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Properties of Water and Macromolecules


Protien: the immediate and primary source of all living things

Lipid: Fats, oils, and waxes that act as a stored energy source, insulation, and water-proof coverings

Carbohydrate: control many chemical reactions and processes that take place in living things are well as act as the building supplies

Nucleic Acid: stored heriditary information in the form of DNA and RNA

Carbohydrates are also known as: Polysaccharides

Carbohydrates contain: CHO

Carbohydrates buiding blocks: (Monomer) Monosaccharides

Example of carbohydrates: (simple sugars) ex. glucolse

Chemical formula for glucose: C6H12O6

Carbohydrate function: quick energy

Example of quick energy: starch-potatos,pasta

Glycogen: stored muscles

Sugar: glucolse, fructose

Structural cellulose: plant cell walls (fiber)

Lipids are not a polymer but: are often made of glyceron and fatty acids

What types of fats are lipids made of?: saturated or unsatured

Lipids contain: CHO

Protiens building blocks: amino acids

What are amino acids connected by?: peptide bonds

Functions of protiens: enzymes, structure, transport, anti bodies

Enzymes: speed up reactions

Structure: collagen and keratin

Protiens contain: CHON(S)

Nucleic acids contain: CHONP

Nucleic acid building blocks: nucleotides

CHONPS:carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur


What is water made up of: 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

Slightly positive: hydrogen atoms

Sightly negative: oxygen atom

What holds the hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atom: a covelant bond

What kind of attraction is between molecules of water: magnetic

Weak attraction between bonds: hydrogen bonding

Adhesive: forms hydrogen bonds with molecules on other surfaces

Cohesive: the molecles are attracted to each other due to hydrogen bonds

What does cohesive do: creates surface tension, causes water to form droplets and allow insects and leaves to rest on the surface of a body of water

What does adhesive do: allows water to travel up the stem of a plant, and seeds swell and germinate by capilliary action


Properties of Water and Macromolecules


Protien: the immediate and primary source of all living things

Lipid: Fats, oils, and waxes that act as a stored energy source, insulation, and water-proof coverings

Carbohydrate: control many chemical reactions and processes that take place in living things are well as act as the building supplies

Nucleic Acid: stored heriditary information in the form of DNA and RNA

Carbohydrates are also known as: Polysaccharides

Carbohydrates contain: CHO

Carbohydrates buiding blocks: (Monomer) Monosaccharides

Example of carbohydrates: (simple sugars) ex. glucolse

Chemical formula for glucose: C6H12O6

Carbohydrate function: quick energy

Example of quick energy: starch-potatos,pasta

Glycogen: stored muscles

Sugar: glucolse, fructose

Structural cellulose: plant cell walls (fiber)

Lipids are not a polymer but: are often made of glyceron and fatty acids

What types of fats are lipids made of?: saturated or unsatured

Lipids contain: CHO

Protiens building blocks: amino acids

What are amino acids connected by?: peptide bonds

Functions of protiens: enzymes, structure, transport, anti bodies

Enzymes: speed up reactions

Structure: collagen and keratin

Protiens contain: CHON(S)

Nucleic acids contain: CHONP

Nucleic acid building blocks: nucleotides

CHONPS:carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur


What is water made up of: 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom

Slightly positive: hydrogen atoms

Sightly negative: oxygen atom

What holds the hydrogen atoms to the oxygen atom: a covelant bond

What kind of attraction is between molecules of water: magnetic

Weak attraction between bonds: hydrogen bonding

Adhesive: forms hydrogen bonds with molecules on other surfaces

Cohesive: the molecles are attracted to each other due to hydrogen bonds

What does cohesive do: creates surface tension, causes water to form droplets and allow insects and leaves to rest on the surface of a body of water

What does adhesive do: allows water to travel up the stem of a plant, and seeds swell and germinate by capilliary action
