Untitled Flashcards Set

  • The Church was threatened by the Renaissance, and secular ideas were spread by the printing press

  • A religious reform movement began in Germany, as people were tired of the Church’s political power and paying taxes to it

  • The leaders were corrupt, poorly educated, and often broke vows

  • Jon Wycliffe and Jan Hus of Bohemia, as well as Christian humanists taught that the Bible had more wisdom and authority than the Church leaders

  • Martin Luther, a monk, called out Johann Tetzel, a priest, for selling indulgences and convincing people that they could buy their way to heaven

  • Luther posted statements everywhere that were eventually printed, allowing him to be known all over Germany and beginning the reformation

  • His 3 ideas:

  • - People can win salvation by believing God will forgive them

  • -All teachings should be based on the Bible, not the Church or Pope

  • -Priests were uneccesary as everyone is equal

  • Pope Leo X excommunicated him for his statements

  • Emperor Charles V told everyone to neglect him, but the Prince disagreed and gave him shelter

  • During this time, he translated the New Testament into German

  • He and his followers became Lutherans, but peasants disliked him 

  • Protestant became a term for people belonging to non-Catholic church

  • Charles V went to war against Protestant princes, but eventually called every prince to Ausburg to make an agreement that they would all choose the religion of their state called the “Peace of Ausburg”

  • Henry VIII became king of England and wrote an attack on Luther’s

  • Ideas, given the title “Defender of

  • the Faith” by the pope

  •  He and his wife, Catherine of Aragon, had a daughter, Mary

  • He wanted to divorce a younger queen, but the Pope did not “annul” or excuse his marriage 

  • He asked the Parliament to end the pope’s power, called the “Reformation Parliament”

  • He secretly married Anne Boleyn before his divorce was legalized, and the Parliament approved the Act of Supremacy, allowing him to be recognized as the head of the Church instead of the pope

  • Thomas More refused to recognize him as the pope and was arrested

  • Anne gave birth to a female heir, Elizabeth, when Henry wanted a male

  • Anne was imprisoned and beheaded

  • Henry married Jane Seymour, who died shortly after having a son

  • He married three more times, and his children ruled England in succession

  • Edward VI became king at nine, with Protestant advisers who implemented reforms

  • Catherine of Aragon attempted to restore the authority of the pope, but faced strong opposition from Protestants

  • Elizabeth I wanted to return England to Protestantism, so Parliament established the Anglican Church with her as head, becoming the only legal Church

  • She made changes to the Church, like allowing priests to marry and conducting sermons in English

  • Protestants wanted her reform to be less Catholic friendly, and Catholics wanted another ruler

  • Tensions began with Spain, and Elizabeth struggled financially
