Reality Shock-The new officer quickly encounters the unpleasant aspects of dealing with the- public, the criminal justice system, and the department
Encounter Citizens
Encountering the Criminal Justice system
Encountering the police department
The impact on the Seniority System- getting the most calls
Pros and Cons of Seniority System
1. Busiest shift
2. (4pm-12pm)
Weekends off
Many officers develop the habit of seeing danger in situations where it may not exist- Domestic violence calls
Six factors that shape and help to explain police unique behavior:
Bureaucratic Control
Culture of “adventure/ Machismo”
Sexual Harassment- unwanted sexual advances, suggesting sexual affairs or discrimination
Recommendations to Control Sexual Harassment:
Policy in Place
Performance Reviews- Four first year- 5 years 2- 6th year-1
Proper Investigations
There is an education generation gap between the younger, better educated officers and the certain officers with less education -“Stress Cop Culture”
Active- more contact with citizens , always moving
Passive- they indicate fewer contact with citizens, job that fits you
Salaries and fringe benefits- are one of the most attractive aspects of jobs in law enforcement
Promotion- Civil service usually require an officer to serve a certain number of years in rank before being eligible to apply for promotion. you inspire to be promoted to a higher rank, more benefits and more money.
Assignment- detective unit, traffic, uniform officer.
Lateral Entry- The opportunity to move to other police departments usually resulting in keeping all seniority and not having to start over as a rookie cop.
Outside Employment- A significant number of police officers supplement their incomes with outside employment
Limited Restrictions
1. Alcohol
2.Pornographic material
3. Politics
Traditional Performance Evaluations- An effective system should identify and reward good performance, establish a basis for which officers deserve promotion, identify inadequate performance, and provide a basis for correcting those performance problems
Problems with performance evaluations
Clarity- how clear the police department policies are, performance wise
Halo Effect- doesn't make you great at everything
Central Tendency-Everybody is average, same level, not good not bad.
Grade Inflation- Everybody gets inflated that don’t deserve it
The factors associated with job satisfaction in policing fall into five general categories:
1.Nature of police work
2.Organizational factors
3.Relations with the community
4. Relations with media and political leaders
5.Personal or family factors
75% divorce rate for police officers
Studies have reported higher rates of:
Medical issues (esp. Heart attacks)
Job stress and suicide
More officers die from suicide then are shot and killed in the line of duty
National institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Specific rights of police officers are enumerated in two aspects of the law:
Law enforcement officers bill of rights laws
Police union contracts
Turnover: Leaving Police work
Police officers leave police work because of:
Death- 66 years old
Voluntary resignation
Layoffs resulting
Financial constraints