Law enforcement Chapter 6

Reality Shock-The new officer quickly encounters the unpleasant aspects of dealing with the- public, the criminal justice system, and the department 

  • Encounter Citizens 

  • Encountering  the Criminal Justice system 

  • Encountering the police department 

  • The impact on the Seniority System- getting the most calls  

  • Pros and Cons of Seniority System 

  • 1. Busiest shift 

  • 2. (4pm-12pm)

  • Weekends off

Many officers develop the habit of seeing danger in situations where it may not exist- Domestic violence calls 

Six factors that shape and help to explain police unique behavior:

  • Law

  • Bureaucratic Control 

  • Culture of “adventure/ Machismo”

  • Safety 

  • Competence 

  • Morality 

Sexual Harassment- unwanted sexual advances, suggesting sexual affairs or discrimination 

  • Recommendations to Control Sexual Harassment:

  • Policy in Place

  • Training 

  • Performance Reviews- Four first year- 5 years 2- 6th year-1

  • Proper Investigations 

  • There is an education generation gap between the younger, better educated officers and the certain officers with less education -“Stress Cop Culture” 

Active- more contact with citizens , always moving 

Passive- they indicate fewer contact with citizens, job that fits you 

Salaries and fringe benefits- are one of the most attractive aspects of jobs in law enforcement 

Promotion-  Civil service usually require an officer to serve a certain number of years in rank before being eligible to apply for promotion. you inspire to be promoted to a higher rank, more benefits and more money.

Assignment- detective unit, traffic, uniform officer.

Lateral Entry- The opportunity to move to other police departments usually resulting in keeping all seniority and not having to start over as a rookie cop.

Outside Employment- A significant number of police officers supplement their incomes with outside employment 

Limited Restrictions

1. Alcohol

2.Pornographic material

3. Politics


Traditional Performance Evaluations- An effective system should identify and reward good performance, establish a basis for which officers deserve promotion, identify inadequate performance, and provide a basis for correcting those performance problems

  • Problems with performance evaluations 

  • Clarity- how clear the police department policies are, performance wise 

  • Halo Effect- doesn't make you great at everything 

  • Central Tendency-Everybody is average, same level, not good not bad.

  • Grade Inflation- Everybody gets inflated that don’t deserve it

  • The factors associated with job satisfaction in policing fall into five general categories:

  • 1.Nature of police work

  • 2.Organizational factors

  • 3.Relations with the community  

  • 4. Relations with media and political leaders

  • 5.Personal or family factors 

  75% divorce rate for police officers 

  • Studies have reported higher rates of:

  • Suicide 

  • Alcoholism 

  • Nicotine 

  • Medical issues (esp. Heart attacks)

  • Job stress and suicide 

  • More officers die from suicide then are shot and killed in the line of duty 

  • National institute for Occupational Safety and Health 

  • Specific rights of police officers are enumerated in two aspects of the law:

  1. Law enforcement officers bill of rights laws

  2. Police union contracts 

Turnover: Leaving Police work

  • Police officers leave police work because of:

  • Retirement 

  • Death- 66 years old 

  • Dismissal 

  • Voluntary resignation 

  • Layoffs resulting 

  • Financial constraints 

  • Women 
