Course: CSE 220, Fall 2024
Instructors: Carl Alphonce, Ethan Blanton, Eric Mikida
Student Name: Rifa Tasfia
UBIT Name: rifatasf
Variant: k
Seat Number: Cll
Total Points: 43
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Question 1: The length of a C array is stored by the compiler.
Answer: False
Question 2: Every array of characters is a C string.
Answer: False
Question 3: A single line of C code corresponds to a single machine instruction.
Answer: False
Question 4: x && y and x == y are always the same if x and y are integers.
Answer: False
Question 5: The representations of numbers used by computers violate some properties of normal arithmetic.
Answer: True
Question 6: Every memory access is for an 8-byte word.
Answer: True
Question 7: Padding in a C struct is permitted only in between members.
Answer: False
Question 8: What expression has value 100 given 'a' = 97?
Answer: 'd'
Question 9: Which expressions result in "yes" being printed?
Answer: testA(4,3) && testB()
Question 10: Number of bits the processor can read/write in memory access depends on:
Answer: Size of registers on the processor and memory bus width
Question 11: Which expressions are always true, assuming a, b, c are double?
Answer: a * a >= 0 and (x + y) + z = x + (y + z)
Question 12: For the given code, which have value 53?
Answer: value, *ptr
Question 13: Relationship between arrays and pointers in C:
Answer: They are different, but closely related, with shared syntax.
Question 14: Address space relative to laptop RAM:
Answer: Address space is larger than the size of the laptop's RAM and the address space of a single process is equivalent to the RAM installed in 4,294,967,296 such laptops.
Question 15: Legal expressions in C99 for given struct example:
Answer: r = s, &r == &s
Question 16: Which have a stride of 1 on x86-64?
Answer: char, int*
Question 17: Size of the given structure:
Answer: 16 bytes
Question 18: Relationship of struct sizes:
Answer: sizeof(struct A) must be greater than sizeof(struct B)
Question 19: Which address is guaranteed to be invalid?
Answer: 0x0000000000000000
Question 20: Variable declaration for assignment legality:
Answer: char *x;
Question 21: Insertion of padding into structures ensures:
Answer: Alignment
Question 22: Memory allocation segments:
(a) string: Data
(b) f: text
(c) iSize: BSS
(d) p: stack
(e) *p: Heap
Question 23: Find out requested memory size from malloc:
Answer: You can't.