NUR160 Wk6 Notes (Day1)

Introduction to Lung Auscultation

  • Lung sounds can indicate various respiratory issues.

  • Understanding the type of sounds can aid in diagnosis.

Common Lung Sounds


  • Whistling sound caused by obstruction in air passage.

  • Associated with conditions like COPD, emphysema, asthma, and chronic bronchitis.

  • Can be high-pitched (polyphonic) or low-pitched (monophonic).

  • High-pitched wheezes are primarily heard during expiration.

  • Low-pitched wheezes typically sound like snoring; clear with a cough.


  • Harsh, vibrating noise indicating upper airway obstruction.

  • Occurs during inspiration.

  • Common in conditions such as croup or acute epiglottitis.


  • Sounds additional to normal breath sounds indicating inflammation or infection in bronchioles or alveoli.

  • Heard in conditions like pneumonia and pulmonary edema.

  • Coarse Crackles: Low pitch, wet noise typically heard in inspiration.

  • Fine Crackles: High-pitched crackling sound heard in inspiration, does not clear with a cough.

Anatomy of the Lungs

Spatial Awareness for Auscultation

  • Auscultation is performed on the anterior and posterior aspects of the chest.

  • The anterior aspect mainly contains upper lobes.

  • The posterior aspect predominantly consists of lower lobes.

Lung Structure

  • Right lung: Three lobes (upper, middle, lower).

  • Left lung: Two lobes (upper, lower).

  • Importance of knowing intercostal spaces correlating with lung lobes for effective assessment.

Normal Breath Sounds

Types of Normal Breath Sounds

  1. Bronchial Sounds

    • High-pitched; loud; only heard anteriorly over trachea.

  2. Vesicular Sounds

    • Lower pitched; soft; heard in lower lobes during normal breathing.

Abnormal Breath Sounds

Continuous Sounds

  • High-Pitched Polyphonic Wheeze: Multiple pitches in expiration.

  • Low-Pitched Monophonic Wheeze: Single pitch in expiration.

  • Stridor: High-pitched; occurs during inspiration.

Discontinuous Sounds

  • Coarse Crackles: Low pitch; heard during inspiration.

  • Fine Crackles: High pitch; persistent even after coughing.

Identifying Pneumonia

Characteristics of Pneumonia

  • Acute inflammation of pulmonary tissue; common symptoms include fever, cough, and dyspnea.

  • Primary causative agent: Streptococcus pneumoniae (bacterial).

  • Diagnosed via chest X-ray and CBC; management includes antibiotics and supportive care.

    • Elevated WBC count indicates infection.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)


  • COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema; characterized by chronic airflow limitation.

  • Common cause: Cigarette smoking.

    • Other irritants include air pollution and chemical fumes.


  • Destruction of alveoli leading to decreased gas exchange.

  • Symptoms: Shortness of breath, cough, barrel chest, clubbing of fingers.

  • Diagnostic tests: Chest X-ray, pulmonary function test (PFT).

Chronic Bronchitis

  • Chronic productive cough persisting for three months per year for two consecutive years.

  • Pathophysiology includes inflammation, scarring of bronchial tubes, and excess mucus production.

  • Symptoms: Cough, dyspnea, use of accessory muscles for breathing, cor pulmonale.

Management of COPD

Common Management Strategies

  • Smoking cessation; use of bronchodilators and corticosteroids.

  • Maintain hydration; humidified air; encourage cough and breathing exercises.

  • Supplemental oxygen is given at low flow rates (2 to 3 L) to prevent hypercapnia.

Nursing Considerations

  • Positioning (semi-Fowler's or tripod) to ease breathing.

  • Educate on the importance of medication compliance, hand hygiene, and vaccinations."
