Focus on obtaining information through keywords:
Define Public Administration in few words (5 keywords)
Emphasize clarity and conciseness in answers.
Consider Public Administration as:
A process
A system
A program
Competencies defined as:
Knowledge necessary for effective job performance.
Competencies categorized in a pyramid structure:
Category 1: Executives and Specialists
High educational qualifications (MBAs, PhDs)
Leadership roles (e.g., public sector CEOs)
Key competencies: Social intelligence, problem-solving, empathy, self-awareness.
Category 2: Professionals
Higher education required
Specialized roles (e.g., policy analysts)
Key competencies: Critical thinking, communication, teamwork, technology proficiency.
Category 3: Skilled Workers
Mid-level managers (e.g., department heads)
Competencies: Reliability, good work ethics, problem-solving skills, cooperation.
Category 4: Unskilled Workers
Generally require less formal education
Roles may include manual labor or support tasks
Competencies: Motor skills and physical abilities.
Components of Emotional Intelligence:
Self-Awareness: Understanding oneself in various situations.
Self-Management: Ability to improve weaknesses and develop skills.
Social Awareness: Understanding and interacting with others appropriately.
Relationship Management: Balancing professional and personal interactions.
Self-Motivation: Managing one’s own morale and motivations; understanding personal triggers that uplift or demotivate.
Importance in workplace:
Essential for all employees, particularly in leadership and management positions.
Recognizing intrinsic and extrinsic motivators:
Intrinsic: Satisfaction from personal achievements and recognition.
Extrinsic: Benefits like salary, promotions, and work conditions.
Understanding employee interests helps in retaining talent and enhancing productivity.
Reference to Kaoru Ishikawa's Methods:
Fishbone Diagram used for identifying root causes of problems.
Seven M's:
Money, Management, Method, Milieu, Material, Manpower, Morale
Helpful in understanding sources of productivity issues.
Essentials for all managerial levels:
Capability to solve problems and manage conflicts effectively
Innovation and entrepreneurial thinking requisite for leadership positions.
Emphasize clarity and engagement in presentations:
Structure: Well-organized with clear headings and bullet points.
Design: Visually attractive and not overwhelming.
Content: Focused on key ideas without excessive text.
Evaluation rubrics for presentations include:
Not meeting expectations
Meeting some expectations
Meeting all expectations
Exceeding expectations.
Importance of developing knowledge, skills, and abilities tailored to specific roles within public administration.
Critical to engage with and understand internal and external realities impacting productivity and employee satisfaction.