Focus on assessing urinary function and health.
History of Present Illness: Previous urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, past surgical procedures.
Family History: Conditions like hypertension, diabetes, and bladder cancer.
Symptom Inquiry:
Dysuria (painful urination)
Frequency of urination
Nocturia (nighttime urination)
Anuria (absence of urination)
Urgency to urinate
Urinary Characteristics:
Hematuria (blood in urine)
Appearance: clear vs. cloudy
Medication History
Effective questioning about:
Usual urinary patterns
Recent changes in urinary habits
Past or present voiding difficulties
Family history of urinary disorders
Check for herniation/prolapse in women, edema, urethral issues.
Assess costovertebral angle tenderness for pyelonephritis or stones.
Check bladder distention and prostate gland.
Blunt percussion of kidneys to assess tenderness
Dull sound = residual urine; Tympanic sound = empty bladder
Listen for renal artery bruits indicating turbulent blood flow.
Herniation issues such as bladder into the anterior vaginal wall, drooping uterus, and rectal bulging can impact urinary function.
Question: Which finding necessitates providing bathroom access?A. Tenderness over the kidneyB. Ingestion of 8oz of waterC. Abdominal bruit presentD. Dull sound over bladder
Color, odor, clarity, sediment
Minimum of 30mL/hour
Continency vs. incontinence
Presence of catheter
Color Guides:
Colorless or pale yellow: Excess fluid, diabetes insipidus.
Yellow to milky: Infections, vaginal creams.
Bright yellow: Vitamin excess.
Pink to red: Blood, certain foods, medications.
Blue/green: Medications or infections.
Orange to amber: Dehydration, bilirubin presence.
Brown to black: Old blood, certain medications.
Process: Clean catch vs. sterile specimen collection.
Assessment Parameters:
Color, clarity, odor, pH, specific gravity, and tests for proteins, glucose, ketones.
Microscopic exams for hematuria, pyuria, etc.
Sample Requirements: Minimum of 10mL for testing.
Clean Catch Method: Vital for accurate results.
Foley Catheter: Collect immediately after insertion.
Sterile Specimen via Catheter: Necessitated in incontinent patients.
Pediatric Collection: Via catheter until voluntary control is achieved.
Common Indicators:
Hematuria: Infections, stones, or tumors.
Proteinuria: Glomerular damage or malignancy.
Specific Gravity: Hydration levels.
Abnormalities in patients with UTIs: Leukocytes, hematuria, nitrites, and more.
BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen): Normal: 10-20 mg/dL; elevated indicates dysfunction.
Creatinine Levels: Male: 0.6-1.2 mg/dL; Female: 0.5-1.1 mg/dL.
GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate): Normal: 90-120 mL/min; low indicates kidney issues.
Purpose: Diagnose kidney problems through total volume collection.
Procedure: Start at a specified time; keep on ice and discard first morning urine.
Tests Include:
X-rays, Ultrasound, CT, MRI for organ structure.
Intravenous Pyelogram: Visualizes blood flow through urinary tract.
Cystoscopy for enhanced visualization.
Biopsy implications for suspected malignancies.
Procedure Overview: Utilizes a cystoscope for internal visualization.
Considerations: NPO after midnight, monitor for retention, potential UTI, manage discomfort, and watch for blood in urine post-procedure.
Allergy Assessment: Verify iodine allergies.
Nephrotoxicity Monitoring: Increase fluids post-procedure and watch for adverse reactions.
Conditions Include:
Urinary Tract Infections, Pyelonephritis, CAUTI, Urolithiasis, Cancer, Hydronephrosis.
Scenario: Assess an 84-year-old post-cystoscopy patient.
Questions to Ask: Fluid intake, urine appearance, family history, pattern changes.
Assessments: Check for bladder distension, use percussion.
Diagnostics Considerations: Urinalysis, ultrasound, BUN, creatinine tests.
Interventions: Warm compresses, fluid management, bathroom assistance, anticipation of symptomatic improvement.
Focus on assessing gastrointestinal function and health.
Key Symptoms: Abdominal pain, dyspepsia, gas, nausea/vomiting, changes in bowel habits, stool characteristics, nutritional history.
Components: Inspection of the soft palate, oral cavity, lips, gums, tongue, pharynx.
Inspection Findings: Color changes, hernias, lesions, ascites, peristaltic activity, discoloration, bruises, striae, and shape evaluations.
Sound Types: Regular (5-35 sounds/min), hyperactive (>35 sounds), hypoactive (<5 sounds), absent sounds (confirming full 5 mins).
Vascular Sounds: Listen for bruits indicating vascular issues.
Vascular sounds detection for aortic and renal areas indicative of stenosis or obstruction.
Purpose: Assess organ size and density, detect solid masses, indicate normal/abnormal conditions.
Approach: Light palpation for tenderness, deep if indicated. Order of assessment should be consistent: inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation.
Observations: Muscle tone decreases, saliva and enzyme levels decline, motility changes in intestines.
Scenario: What action follows abdominal observation in a client with diarrhea?A. Percussion for liverB. Auscultation for bruitsC. Light touch for tendernessD. Help to bathroom.
Normal Parameters: Volume varies, color ranges, odor characteristics, shape distinctions.
Abnormal Indicators: Black stools, narrow shapes, presence of blood/mucus.
Types of Feces: Various stool types from Type 1 (hard lumps) to Type 7 (liquid).
Diagnostic Indicators: Types indicate constipation to diarrhea issues.
Common Tests: FOBT, C. diff testing, stool cultures.
Nursing Considerations: Ensure contamination prevention and proper collection techniques.
Types: Ultrasound, fluoroscopy, CT, MRI.
Considerations: Pre-procedure preparations (NPO, hydration) and contrast precautions.
Procedures: Upper GI and lower GI evaluations, specimen collection, sedation considerations.
Correct Procedure Statements:A. Avoid contamination from toilet bowl.B. Do not include toilet paper.C. Encourage prior bathroom visit.D. Use bedpan for sample collection.E. Clean commode before collection.F. Labs require 45mL sample.