Vocabulary Chart Unit 4 Level G

1. Atrophy (v,n)

The wasting away of a body organ or tissue; any progressive decline or failure; (v) to waste away

(n): degeneration, deterioration; (v): wither

(n): growth; (v) mature

2. Bastion (n)

A fortified place, stronghold

Citadel, rampart, parapet


3. Concord (n)

A state of agreement, harmony, unanimity; a treaty, pact, convenant


Disagreement, strife, discord


Consummate (adj,v) 

(adj) complete or perfect in the highest degree, (v) to bring to a state of completion or perfection. 

(adj) masterful; (v) clinch, conclude 

(v) lauch, initiate begin, kick off

5. Disarray (n) (v) 

(n) disorder, confusion; (v) to throw into disorder 

(n) disorganizatiom; (v) dishevel, mess up 

(n) organization, order, tidiness 

6. Exigency  (n) 

Urgency, pressure; urgent demand, pressing need; an emergency 

Requirement, crisis 


7. Flotsam (n) 

Flating debris; homeless, impoverished people 

Floating wreckage 


8. Frenetic (adj) 

Frenzied, highly agitate 

Frantic, overwrough 

Calm, controlled, relaxed, leisurely 

9. Glean (v) 

To gether bit by bit; to gather small quantities of grain left in  afield by the reapers 

Cull, pick up


10. Grouse (n)(v) 

A type of bird; complaint; (v) to complain, grumble 

(v) kvetch, bellyachee 


11. Incarcerate (v) 

To impison, confine, jail 


liberate, free 

12. Incumbent 


(adj) obligatory, required; (n) one who holds a specific office at the time spoken of 

(adj) mandatory, necessary 

(adj) optional, unnecessary 

13. Jocular (adj) 

humorous, jesting, jolly, joking 

Waggish, facetious, droll

Solemn, grace, earnest, grim

14. Ludicrous (ajd)  

Ridiculous, laughable, absurd 

Risable, preposterous 

heartrending , poignant, pathetic 

15. Mordant (adj)

Biting or caustic in thought, manner, orstyle;sharly or bitterly harsh 

Acrimonious, acidulous, sardonic, scathing 

Bland, mild, gentle, soothing 

16. Nettle (n) (v)

(n) a pricky or stinging plant; (v) a arouse displeasure

(v) peeve, annoy, incense, gall 

(v) please, delight, soothe, pacify 

17. Pecuniary (adj) 

Consisting of or measured in money; of or related to money 



18. Pusillanimous (adj) 

Comtemptibly cowardly or mean spirited


Stouthearted, courageous 

19. Recumbent (adj) 

In a reading position, lying down, in the posture of one sleeping or resting 

Prine, supine, inactive 

Erect, energetic, dynamic 

20. Stratagem (n) 

A scheme to outwit or deceive an opponent or to gain end 

Trick, ploy, subterfuge 

