molecules of life pt1

Molecules of Life (Part 1)

Introduction to Matter

  • Definition: Matter makes up everything around us, including air, food, etc.

  • Characteristics: Matter has mass and occupies space.

  • Composition: Composed of elements, with each element having unique properties.

  • Elements: A total of 118 elements have been described, but fewer than 30 are commonly found in living cells.

Atomic Structure

Atomic Theory

  • Fundamental Principle: All matter is made up of tiny particles known as atoms.

  • Definition of Atom: The smallest component of an element that retains all chemical properties.

Subatomic Particles

  • Types:

    • Protons: Positively charged particles (+ charge).

    • Neutrons: Particles with no charge.

    • Electrons: Negatively charged particles (- charge).

  • Atomic Identity: The number of protons in an atom defines the element.

Elements and Properties

Common Elements

  • Most Common Elements in Living Organisms:

    • Carbon (C)

    • Hydrogen (H)

    • Oxygen (O)

    • Nitrogen (N)

    • Phosphorous (P)

    • Sulfur (S)

Element Properties

  • All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons.

  • Different elements possess various properties, leading to noticeable patterns.


Definition and Composition

  • Molecule: A group of atoms that are bonded together.

  • Types of Molecules:

    • Same Element Molecules: Composed of atoms from the same element (e.g., diamond is made of carbon atoms).

    • Different Element Molecules: Made of atoms from different elements (e.g., water is made of hydrogen and oxygen atoms).

  • Properties: Different molecules have distinct properties, similar to those of atoms.

The Hierarchical Structure of Life

  • Levels of Biological Organization:

    • Atom: The smallest unit of matter.

    • Molecule: Made up of bonded atoms.

    • Cell: The basic unit of life.

    • Tissue: A group of cells working together.

    • Organ: Structures made of different tissues.

    • Organism: A living individual.

    • Population: Groups of the same species in a given area.

    • Community: Different populations living together.

    • Ecosystem: A community interacting with its environment.

    • Biosphere: The global ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships.
