Which would Jesus himself have spoken? Read? Heard around him?
Spoke: Aramic
Read: Hebrew
Heard: Greek
Aramaic examples in the Bible
What language was the Sacred Scriptures read in in the Synagogue and Temple?
What language was spoken by the Roman officials?
Where did Jewish worship? (Locally and nationally)
In Synagogue and Temple
What happened in the Synagogue? Where were they built? Why?
House of prayer where scriptures were read, Yahweh was worshiped, and discussion for legal settlements.
Key part was careful reading of the Torah in Hebrew
found near rivers or springs so worshipers could purify themselves in running water
What happened in the Temple? Where was it built?
Temple of Jerusalem
Temple was rededicated after the Maccabees came in to take it back from the Greeks
Special dwelling place for God
Sacrifice Rituals
Destroyed late 60s by Romans
What were the 4 key feasts the Jews celebrated?
Celebrate Exodus from Egypt In Jerusalem
Seder Meal
Pentecost (shavuot)
Celebrate Law of Moses on Mount Sinai
time to renew commitments to the covenant with God
Celebrate Jews in the wilderness
Built huts out of branches
Feast of Dedication
Commemoration of the Temple rededication after it was profaned by the foreign ruler Anthiochus IV
Political Climate of 1st century Palestine
Oppression: Babylonians, Jews have never lived freely, Greeks ruled and then Romans
Jesus will be born into Roman rule over the Jews
Anticipation of the Messiah, Jews were waiting to be freed from rule by the Messiah, King or warrior that was described in OT
There was some freedom to practice their religion because the Romans were ruling from afar