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Chapter 53– Population Ecology

Why Population Ecology?

  • Scientific goal- understanding the factors that influence the size of populations

    - general principles

    - specific cases

  • Practical goal- management of populations

    - increase population size

    Ex: endangered species

    - decrease population size

    Ex: pests

    - maintain population size

    Ex: fisheries management 

    - maintain & maximize sustained yield

Life takes place in populations

  • Population

    • group of individuals of same species in same area at same time

    • rely on same resources, interact, and interbreed

Factors that affect Population Size

  • Abiotic factors

    - sunlight & temperature

    - precipitation / water

    - soil / nutrients

    Biotic factors

    - other living organisms

    - prey (food)

    - competitors

    - predators, parasites,

    Intrinsic factors

    - adaptations

Characterizing a Population

  • Describing a population

    - population range

    - pattern of Dispersion

    Density of population

    - #individuals per unit 


Population Range

  • Geographical limitations

    - abiotic & biotic factors

    Ex: temperature, rainfall, food, predators, etc.

    - habitat

Population Dispersion

  • Clumped

  • Uniform

  • Random

  • Provides insight into the environmental associations & social interactions of individuals in population

Population Size

  • Changes to population size can occur by:

    -Births, Deaths, Immigration, and Emigration

Population Growth Rates

  • Factors affecting population growth rate

    sex ratio

    - how many females vs. males

    generation time

    - at what age females reproduce

    age structure

    - #females at reproductive age


  • Study of a populations vital statistics and how they

    change over time

    - Life tables, Age Structure Diagrams and Survivorship Graphs

Survivorship curves

  • Graphic representation of life table

  • The relatively straight lines of the plots indicate relatively constant rates of death; however, males have a lower survival rate overall than females.

  • What do these graphs tell about survival &
    strategy of a species?

    • I. High death rate in post-reproductive years

    • II. Constant mortality rate throughout life span

    • III. Very high early mortality but the few survivors then live long (stay reproductive)

Age structure

  • Relative number of individuals of each age

  • What do these data imply about population growth in these countries?

Trade-offs: survival vs. reproduction

  • The cost of reproduction

        To increase reproduction may decrease survival

    - age at first reproduction 

    - investment per offspring

    - number of reproductive cycles per lifetime

    - parents not equally invested

    • offspring mutations

  • Life History determined by costs and benefits of all adaptations.

  • Natural selection favors a life history that maximizes lifetime reproductive success    

Reproductive strategies

  • K-selected

    - late reproduction

    - few offspring

    - invest a lot in raising offspring

    Ex: primates

    Ex: coconut


    - early reproduction

    - many offspring

    - little parental care

    Ex: insects

    Ex: many plants

Trade offs

  • Number & size of offspring vs. Survival of offspring or parent

Population Growth Rate Models

  • Exponential growth

    - Rapid growth

    - No constraints

  • Logistic growth

    - Environmental constraints

    - Limited growth

Population Growth Math

  • Change in population = Births – Deaths

  • Per capita birth rate = b

  • Per capita death rate = d

  • # of individuals = N

  • Rate of population growth (r) = b – d

  • Survivorship = % surviving

Ex: If there are 50 deer in a population, 13 die and 27 are born the next month. What is the population size the following month?

             Answer: 27-13 = 14, so new population is 64

Ex: What are the birth and death rates for the deer?   #Births/N = b

Answer: 27/50 = 0.54

Death rate (d) = 13/50 = 0.26

Ex: What is the rate of growth for the deer?   r = 0.54 -0.26 = 0.28

Exponential Growth  (ideal conditions)

  • No environmental barriers and Growth is at maximum rate

    dN/dt = rmaxN

    N = # individuals

    Rmax = growth r

Exponential Growth

  • Characteristic of populations without limiting factors 

    - introduced to a new environment or rebounding 

       from a catastrophe

Logistic Growth Equation

  • K = carrying capacity of population

    Ex: If a population has a carrying capacity of 900 and the rmax is 1, what is the population growth when the population is 435?    

    Answer = 1 x 435 (900-435)/900 = 224 

    What if the population is at 850?   

    What if it is at 1010?

    Explain the results of each problem.

Carrying capacity

  • Maximum population size that the environment can support with no degradation of the habitat

    *varies with changes in resources

Changes in Carrying Capacity

  • Population cycles Ex: predator – prey interactions

Regulation of population size

  • Limiting factors

    density dependent

    • competition: food, mates, nesting sites

    • predators, parasites, pathogens

    density independent

    • abiotic factors

      • sunlight (energy)

      • temperature

      • rainfall

Introduced species

  • Non-native species (INVASIVE)

    - transplanted populations grow exponentially in new area

    - out-compete native species 

    - reduce diversity 


    - African honeybee

    - gypsy moth


Chapter 53– Population Ecology

Why Population Ecology?

  • Scientific goal- understanding the factors that influence the size of populations

    - general principles

    - specific cases

  • Practical goal- management of populations

    - increase population size

    Ex: endangered species

    - decrease population size

    Ex: pests

    - maintain population size

    Ex: fisheries management 

    - maintain & maximize sustained yield

Life takes place in populations

  • Population

    • group of individuals of same species in same area at same time

    • rely on same resources, interact, and interbreed

Factors that affect Population Size

  • Abiotic factors

    - sunlight & temperature

    - precipitation / water

    - soil / nutrients

    Biotic factors

    - other living organisms

    - prey (food)

    - competitors

    - predators, parasites,

    Intrinsic factors

    - adaptations

Characterizing a Population

  • Describing a population

    - population range

    - pattern of Dispersion

    Density of population

    - #individuals per unit 


Population Range

  • Geographical limitations

    - abiotic & biotic factors

    Ex: temperature, rainfall, food, predators, etc.

    - habitat

Population Dispersion

  • Clumped

  • Uniform

  • Random

  • Provides insight into the environmental associations & social interactions of individuals in population

Population Size

  • Changes to population size can occur by:

    -Births, Deaths, Immigration, and Emigration

Population Growth Rates

  • Factors affecting population growth rate

    sex ratio

    - how many females vs. males

    generation time

    - at what age females reproduce

    age structure

    - #females at reproductive age


  • Study of a populations vital statistics and how they

    change over time

    - Life tables, Age Structure Diagrams and Survivorship Graphs

Survivorship curves

  • Graphic representation of life table

  • The relatively straight lines of the plots indicate relatively constant rates of death; however, males have a lower survival rate overall than females.

  • What do these graphs tell about survival &
    strategy of a species?

    • I. High death rate in post-reproductive years

    • II. Constant mortality rate throughout life span

    • III. Very high early mortality but the few survivors then live long (stay reproductive)

Age structure

  • Relative number of individuals of each age

  • What do these data imply about population growth in these countries?

Trade-offs: survival vs. reproduction

  • The cost of reproduction

        To increase reproduction may decrease survival

    - age at first reproduction 

    - investment per offspring

    - number of reproductive cycles per lifetime

    - parents not equally invested

    • offspring mutations

  • Life History determined by costs and benefits of all adaptations.

  • Natural selection favors a life history that maximizes lifetime reproductive success    

Reproductive strategies

  • K-selected

    - late reproduction

    - few offspring

    - invest a lot in raising offspring

    Ex: primates

    Ex: coconut


    - early reproduction

    - many offspring

    - little parental care

    Ex: insects

    Ex: many plants

Trade offs

  • Number & size of offspring vs. Survival of offspring or parent

Population Growth Rate Models

  • Exponential growth

    - Rapid growth

    - No constraints

  • Logistic growth

    - Environmental constraints

    - Limited growth

Population Growth Math

  • Change in population = Births – Deaths

  • Per capita birth rate = b

  • Per capita death rate = d

  • # of individuals = N

  • Rate of population growth (r) = b – d

  • Survivorship = % surviving

Ex: If there are 50 deer in a population, 13 die and 27 are born the next month. What is the population size the following month?

             Answer: 27-13 = 14, so new population is 64

Ex: What are the birth and death rates for the deer?   #Births/N = b

Answer: 27/50 = 0.54

Death rate (d) = 13/50 = 0.26

Ex: What is the rate of growth for the deer?   r = 0.54 -0.26 = 0.28

Exponential Growth  (ideal conditions)

  • No environmental barriers and Growth is at maximum rate

    dN/dt = rmaxN

    N = # individuals

    Rmax = growth r

Exponential Growth

  • Characteristic of populations without limiting factors 

    - introduced to a new environment or rebounding 

       from a catastrophe

Logistic Growth Equation

  • K = carrying capacity of population

    Ex: If a population has a carrying capacity of 900 and the rmax is 1, what is the population growth when the population is 435?    

    Answer = 1 x 435 (900-435)/900 = 224 

    What if the population is at 850?   

    What if it is at 1010?

    Explain the results of each problem.

Carrying capacity

  • Maximum population size that the environment can support with no degradation of the habitat

    *varies with changes in resources

Changes in Carrying Capacity

  • Population cycles Ex: predator – prey interactions

Regulation of population size

  • Limiting factors

    density dependent

    • competition: food, mates, nesting sites

    • predators, parasites, pathogens

    density independent

    • abiotic factors

      • sunlight (energy)

      • temperature

      • rainfall

Introduced species

  • Non-native species (INVASIVE)

    - transplanted populations grow exponentially in new area

    - out-compete native species 

    - reduce diversity 


    - African honeybee

    - gypsy moth