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CCSS English 11, The Great Gatsby vocab

  1. Feign: To pretend or give a false appearance of; to fake.

  2. Supercilious: Behaving or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others; arrogant.

  3. Conscientious: Wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.

  4. Incredulous: Unwilling or unable to believe something; skeptical.

  5. Reciprocate: To respond to a gesture or action by making a corresponding one.

  6. Wan: Pale, suggesting illness or exhaustion; lacking vitality.

  7. Complacent: Showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements; self-satisfied.

  8. Intimidate: To frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something.

  9. Infinity: An infinitely great or unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity.

  10. Anon: Soon, shortly; in a short time.

  11. Contiguous: Sharing a common border; touching; adjacent.

  12. Facets: Different sides or aspects of something.

  13. Interpose: To place or insert between one thing and another; to intervene.

  14. Apathetic: Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern; indifferent.

  15. Languidly: Lacking in vigor or vitality; sluggishly.

  16. Imply: To strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).

  17. Strident: Loud and harsh; grating.

  18. Deft: Neat and skillful in one's movements; demonstrating skill and cleverness.

  19. Clad: Dressed or clothed.

  20. Cowered: To cower is to crouch down in fear. It often involves bending forward and drawing oneself into a fetal position or a position of submission due to fear, intimidation, or a sense of impending danger. When someone cowers, it's a physical expression of being frightened or feeling threatened.

CCSS English 11, The Great Gatsby vocab

  1. Feign: To pretend or give a false appearance of; to fake.

  2. Supercilious: Behaving or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others; arrogant.

  3. Conscientious: Wishing to do what is right, especially to do one's work or duty well and thoroughly.

  4. Incredulous: Unwilling or unable to believe something; skeptical.

  5. Reciprocate: To respond to a gesture or action by making a corresponding one.

  6. Wan: Pale, suggesting illness or exhaustion; lacking vitality.

  7. Complacent: Showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements; self-satisfied.

  8. Intimidate: To frighten or threaten someone, usually in order to persuade them to do something.

  9. Infinity: An infinitely great or unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity.

  10. Anon: Soon, shortly; in a short time.

  11. Contiguous: Sharing a common border; touching; adjacent.

  12. Facets: Different sides or aspects of something.

  13. Interpose: To place or insert between one thing and another; to intervene.

  14. Apathetic: Showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern; indifferent.

  15. Languidly: Lacking in vigor or vitality; sluggishly.

  16. Imply: To strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated).

  17. Strident: Loud and harsh; grating.

  18. Deft: Neat and skillful in one's movements; demonstrating skill and cleverness.

  19. Clad: Dressed or clothed.

  20. Cowered: To cower is to crouch down in fear. It often involves bending forward and drawing oneself into a fetal position or a position of submission due to fear, intimidation, or a sense of impending danger. When someone cowers, it's a physical expression of being frightened or feeling threatened.