Intro to healthcare

Chapter 1:


o   Qualities of healthcare workers

-care about others

-have integrity

-Be dependable

-Work well with others

-Be flexible

-Willing to learn

-Strive to be cost conscious


o   Standards of healthcare workers

-protect the public

-ensure workers meet standards

-skills for safety and competency



                  -licensure: most people aim for this


o   Scope of practice

-What am I licensed to do under my license?

-be assertive and speak up on that


o   Problem solving process

-identify the problem

-gather info



                  -objective data: factual information  ex : someone goes and throws up

                  -subjective data: what someone tells you : ex “my stomach is so upset”

                  -signs (objective)/symptoms(subjective)

                  -reliability (patient is most reliable person to get info)

-create alternatives

                  -ideas for solutions based on info collected

-choose alternative and take action

-evaluate and revise as needed


o   Ambulate means to “walk”


o   3 diff types of learning styles





Chapter 2


o   Largest service industry in US

-technological advancements


-aging population

-cost of healthcare increases


o   Healthcare facilities and services


                  -high tech

                  -for critically ill or injured people



-ambulatory services


                  -walk in and walk out in 24 hrs

                  -more cost effective

-urgent care


-long term care facilities

                  -nursing homes

                                    -skilled nursing facilities (SNF)

                                                      -requires patient to have 24 hour care

                                    -intermediate care facility (ICF)

                                                      -does not require full 24 hour care

                  -assisted living residence

                                    -very expensive

                                    -person must be independent

                                                      -activities of daily living

-continuing care community

                  -Alzheimer’s, dementia

-home health providers

                  -patient care in the home


                  -deals with patients that are terminally ill

                  -comfort and support towards patient and family


o   Know diff between state and local health dpt and what they do


o   Trends in health care


                  -through prevention

                  -can do self to check up on self health

-complimentary therapies

                  -not traditionally preformed in conventional medical offices

-osteopathy and chiropractic


-massage therapy

-holistic medicine

-energy theories


o   Challenges in healthcare today

-access to healthcare

-social conditions

-maintaining quality of care



Chapter 3


o   Purpose of ethics

-ethics is a system of principles

-ethical dilemmas

                  -should I do this or should I do that?


o   Ethics and healthcare

-professional codes of ethics

-personal values


o   Guiding principles of health care ethics

-preserve life

                  -euthanasia (mercy killing) or suicide tubes

                  -organ transplant

-stem cell research

-do good (if you cant help don’t hurt the person)

-respect autonomy

                  -consent (box 3-3)


                                                      -battery or assault (if patient refuses then document it and stop)

                                    -implied (verbal)


                                                      -invasive procedures (written)

                  -emancipated minor (under age of 18) (person is responsible)

                  -false imprisonment (side rails not used for safety purposes)

-advance directives

                  -living wills , durable power of attorney (an objective person)

-uphold justice

                  -reporting abuse (the caregivers job) (report not investigate)

                  -laws that protect (DEA box 3-5)

-be discreet


                  -be careful what you document


                  -breach of promise




                  -implied contracts: spoken

                  -express contracts: wriitten


-do no harm

                  -negligence: did not do what you should have done when it needed to be done

                  -malpractice: serious usually involves a doctor


o   Good samaratin law

-do things out of the goodness of your heart

-gratuity means no money no cookies no nothing

                  -can not accept any g
