
SOC 222 Midterm 1 Readings Review




What is the argument/purpose?

Key Terms?

Joys of Parenthood, Reconsidered


Talked about how parenting is actually stressful and there are mental health issues that come with parenting

Parenting is detrimental for the mental health of the parent and non-parents are reportedly more happy than parents even though society makes it so children appear ot make parents more happy

Childfree Families

Blackstone + Greenleaf

talks about the experiences of families who are not parents and highlights how they are happy with their lives.

those who are childfree tend to spend more time with their partner, have more freedom, and are closer than couples who are parents but at the same time, they still have the sense to nuture and it doesnt mean that they hate children

American Childhood as a Social and Cultural Construct


diff in the definition of family from the past to today. now, there are fewer childrne, and people have began to use science to raise their kids (popular with psych world)

childhood = "social and cultural construct" = always changing, no biological marker of what childhood is, what childre ndo during their childhood depends on the time and place , says that there is no golden age of childhood. they are constantly criticized and do not have the freedom to fully express themselves because of society's perception that they are too free in life adn theyre troublemakers etc.

Child Rearing of African American


misconception that black parents are neglectful of their children

black people are not neglectful of their children, if anything they are the most attentive to their childrne, they also have similar values as white people and lean heavily toward women independence, respecting elders, and they also have to face other societal pressures that make them teach their child how being black in america feels

racial socialization

Paranoid Parenting


the fear that is instilled in parents is made by the social pressures and the media telling the parents that hey have to worry. about everything related to their children

pparents do not have to be as scared as society makes them out to be, but furedi is a hypocrite because at the end he blames it on the parent anyways



talks aobut intense mothering and how mothers use children as a security object to feel better about hteir lives when they have other insecurities going on.

a womens perception of insecurity in the world or life presdisposes her to find a connection in children. the lack of security resources make her find security in the mother-child

compensatory connection, motherload, antidote mothering,

Concerted Cultivation and the Accomplishment of Natural Growth


talked about how the different ways to parent a child can contribute to how they end up growin up as a kid. those who are more middle class are more entitled and advocates. they usually talk back and this is a result of their concerte cultivation where the parent dictates what type of life they life. those who are working and poor are more free spirirted as a child and they are abvle to fee likethey ahve a childhood, but they are also less vocal and do not defy authority as much

social class affects childrearing practices and contribute to unequal outcomes later in life

concerted cultivation and natural growth



talk about how the welfare system is not good for families that are in it and the fmailies cannot rely on it like society suggest

argues that mothers do not depend on welfare bc welfare is not enough and they have to find ways to cheat the system. mothers made ends meet through donations from friends and family and regular working or underground working

intergneerational fmailies

Foner + Dreby

talks baout the tnesions and ocnflicts between generations nad immigrant families

syas that there are also good sides to the argument strucutral and cultural factors affect the intimate relationships between generations
