Morocco - Rabat
Algeria - Algiers
Libya - Tripoli
Egypt - Cairo
Niger - Niamey
South Sudan
South Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Nile River
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Lake Victoria
Atlas Mountains
Sahara Desert
State Senator : Brenton Awa
City Council : Esther Kia’aina
House Rep : Lisa Kitagawa
City Council District : ii
State Senate district : 23
House district : 48
Earths tilt - 23.5
Antipode of Hawaii : Botswana
Earths distance from sun is 93 Million Miles
Both poles are equidistant from sun on Mar and Sept. 21
2 major factors in the climatee of a place are latitude and altitude
Hawaii is -10 HOurs gmt
Cycle 4 Day 3 February 12, 2025
Complete take over – annexation
Colony : Under the complete control of a more powerful nation
Only 22 countries (out of over 200) have not been colonized or invaded by britain
The resources typically go from the colonies, to the controlling mother country
Ex: south africa, taken over diamonds and gold, didn’t go back to south africa but back to britain
The 2 biggest colonizers in africa (54 countries) are britain and France
There are over 2,000 languages in Africa, 3,000 ethnicities, 54 countries
Imperialism : Control without annexation
Colonialism breeds resistance – revolution
Guerilla : part of resistance movements
Resistance movements do not need to be fought with violence (Gandhi)
If a revolution is successful then they gain independence
Neo = New – Neocolonialism – where former colonies are now becoming dependet on the people who colonized them
After independence, then there is likely a civil war, especially in new countries over disagreements on how to rule
Cycle 4 Day 2 February 5, 2025
IRS – Internal Revenue Service
Collects money for the government
There are checks and balances to see how the money should be spent
April 15 – Every employed person in US gotta pay – Tax Day
Deficit : Debt
Collateral – an asset which a borrower can offer as security for a loan to ensure the lender gets their money back if the loan isn't repaid
Collateral is worth more than or close to your loan
Globalization : Refers to a world economy
1. Standardization
Has to happen for manufacturing
2. Interdependence
Everything needs to work since they all are dependent on each other
Milton Friedman – Famous US economist
Market System
Me: Indonesia and Vietnam and China and China
Video : Shift Happens
Cycle 4 Day 1 February 3, 2025
3 levels in government funding
City/Local, State, Federal
Contiguous: Connected
There are 48 contiguous states (continental US)
Interstate highways go through/to another state
Greeks (Greece) and Romans (Italy) : Earliest European civilizations
3 Greatest Philosophers from Greece, SPA : Socrates, Plato, Aristotle
4 renaissance artists – think TMNT
Augustus was the first roman emperor
Julius Caesar's (dictator) death led to democracy
To unite the empire, the romans built ¼ million miles of roads throughout Europe
Every road led to a military base
Calendar is based off of the time since when Jesus was born
Eisenhower was the 1960’s president, signed the bill for the National Highway System
1959 – Hawaii became a state
Daniel Inouye was the first senator – lost right arm, as a sniper in WWII
442nd Regiment, Japanese American Citizens, from concentration camps, highly decorated
Highways in Hawaii
All of our federal highways lead to military bases
1.3 Billion Dollars for H3
United States annual budget is 6.75 trillion dollars
Only raise 1.8 trillion less than that
So current total debt is 36 trillion deficit (owed to itself)
Out of every $100, we pay $6.25
Cycle 3 Day 1 January 24, 2025
Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China are earliest recorded civilizations
Prehistory is before recorded history
Egypt and mesopotamia are known as the cradle of civilization
The land between 2 rivers, Tigris and Euphrates
Persian Gulf, Babylon
Was destroyed many times
Those from Iraq are not mesopotamia
Water source – Nile River
Indus river in pakistan
Yellow River
Only continuous civilization, longest surviving
They had dynasties which went from 2200 BCE to 1900
Till the last emperor got overthrown
Sun Yat-sen's (punahou student then Iolani) over threw last emperor, Pu Yi
Didn’t last long since China got into civil war in 1949 – Between communists and nationalists
Communists won and nationalists got put in Taiwan
Infant mortality rate is the number of babies that die within one year for 1000 live births
Cycle 2 Day 3 January 22, 2025
TED ED Notes from HW
The problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story
Palestinian poet :Mourid barghouti If you want to dispossess a people , the simplest way is to tell their story and start with secondly. Ex: starting with the story of the native americans attacking with arrows rather than what happened when the british first arrived. – not showing the whole story or the reason behind their action.
Things to know on Oahu
6 Towns, Honolulu, 2 BOW, 2 Landforms, 5 regions
Labels on a political Spectrum
Moderates/Centrists/Most willing to compromise
Far to left or right are extremists/radicals
Conservatives – Stability
Liberals – Change
If we circle the whole thing that is called mainstream
21 – 157
Cycle 2 Day 2 January 17, 2025
Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox, Winter Solstice
But in Southern Hemisphere for example Australia, the winter solstice is on June 21
El Niño + La Niña
Trade winds always blow from East to West, always come from the East
Pushing the warm surface waters towards asia
The waters push the rest back towards south america
This brings flooding to US
Goes in a cycle
La Niña pushes (warm) water away from US – droughts
El Niño pushes it back towards US – Plenty rain
Roper Study
Sample Size : 510 18-24 year olds in continental US
In-home, face to face methodology
Conclusions : Most recent graduates of our educational system, appear unprepared
Iran = Persia – Iran is the new name for persia (persian empire persia)
Persian rugs very expensive
Iran is bigger than Iraq
North – Lebanon
North East – Syria
West – Jordan
South – Gaza (Leads to Egypt)
Biggest Backers are US
From top to bottom Islands , Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyusho
Tokyo is capital
Little islands under Japan is Okinawa
124.5 million population, but roughly same land mass as california (45 Million)
USS Missouri was where Japan surrendered
Vietnam also was divided before
Sudan was latest country to be divided
Cycle 2 Day 1 January 15, 2025
Two sides to court of law – Plaintiff + Defendant
Plaintiff : Brings charges – Starts with opening statement
Defendant : Defend themselves against charges
Are those charges worth a trial?
Both need to make case and present evidence
End with clothing statement
Define the problem
State hypothesis – Thesis
Design Experiment
Do it – Analysis – Supporting evidence – Body
MLK Birthday today – January 15
Born in Atlanta, Georgia
Baptist preacher
Famous “I Have a Dream” speech August 28th
Speech was part sermon part poetry
Not judged by color of your skin but by the content of your character
July 2, 1964 – Civil Rights Act Signed
Cycle 1 Day 3 January 13, 2025
The earth and sun rays
Earth has a 23.5° tilt which causes the seasons
70% of the earth is water – we are known as the blue planet because of that
Rotation : rotating around an axis or center.
Revolution : move in a circular orbit around
Direct rays of the sun only shine on tropic of cancer and capricorn
The longest day of the year for Northern Hemisphere – June 21 (Direct rays)
The longest day of the year for Southern Hemisphere – December 21 (Direct rays)
Twice a year the sun shines directly over equator – March 21 and September 21
World Populations and numbers
India has largest population of 1.4 billion – surpassing China of 1.3 Billion
World population 8 billion
USA population 330 million
Hawaii population 1.5 million (Oahu – 1 million)
Time Zones
Every 15° one hour is added (to the right) or subtracted (to the left)
International date line is the center line – it is crooked because some countries choose to switch or stay with another timezone
Ex: American Samoa and Samoa have different time zones despite sharing an island
Hawai’i is at -10.
Cycle 1 Day 2 January 9, 2025
Mnemonic Codes : Using letters to help memorize information
Ex: HOMES – for the Great Lakes of US
Solar System Planets – My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles
All exist in Milky Way galaxy
Light year – Distance traveled at the speed of light (983 million 571,000 ft/sec)
Alpha centauri – next closest solar system
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 sent in 1977 – SETI
Space X – Elon Musk
ISS – International Space Station
Boeing : Based in Seattle – makes airplanes – #1 plane manufacturer
Has 2 astronauts stuck up in space, supposed to be 4 weeks, now almost a year - SpaceX to rescue in March
Airbus : Based in France - Boeing airplane manufacturer competitor
Population of 1.5 million – 1 million live on O’ahu
Wyoming – .5 million – California – 45 million
People in the House are based on population – 435 Total