Untitled Flashcards Set

Prefix a without apathy, amoral, asymmetrical Prefix ab away absent, abduct, abnormal, abort Suffix -cious, -uous abounding in vivacious, volumptuous Root acu sharp acute, acupressure, acupuncture, acuity Root agri farming agriculture, agrarian Root alb white albino, albumen, albacore Prefix amb both ambivalent, ambiguous, ambidextrous Root ambul walk, move amble, ambulance, ambulant Root amic friendly amicable, amicably, dynamic Prefix ana back anachronism, anabasis Prefix anti (ant) against, opposite antagonist, antidote, antibiotics Root arche (archi) primitive, origin archaic, archaeology, archive Root auto self autopilot, autonomous, autocratic Root bel war, fight rebel, antebellum, bellicose Root bene good benefit, benign, benevolent, benefactor Prefix bi two bicycle, biceps, biscotti, biweekly Root cata intensive, according to cataclysm, catastrophic, catalog Root cede (cess, ced) go, withdraw recede, exceed, recession Suffix ceive take receive, perceive, reconceive Root cent hundred centennial, century, percent Root cerebr brain cerebral, cerebrate Root cert sure certain, ascertain, certify Root chron time chronicle, chronology, anachronism Root cide kill genocide, pesticide Root circum around circumference, circumstance Root clam (claim) shout, speak exclaim, clamor, proclaim Root clar clear clarify, clarification, declare Root clud (clus) close conclusion, seclude, conclude Root clin (cline) lean inclination, incline, recline Prefix co with, together, joint coauthor, cosign, collaborate, cooperate Root cog know cognitive, incognito, cognition Prefix con together, common connect, convention, concur Prefix contra against contraband, contrary Root corp body corporation, corpse, corporal Prefix counter opposing, contrary counteract, counterintuitive, counteroffer Suffix cracy (crat) rule democracy, democrat, theocracy, bureaucracy Root cred believe incredible, credit, credulous, credence Root crypt hidden, secret cryptic, encrypt Root culp blame, fault culpable, exculpate, culprit Root cumul mass, heap accumulate, cumulative Root dem people democracy, demographics Prefix di twice, two dilemma, diverse, dioxide Prefix dia across, through dialogue, diameter, diagnosis Root domin master dominate, predominate, dominerring Root don give donate, pardon, donor Root dorm sleep dormitory, dormant, dormer Root dur harden, long lasting durable, duration, endure Root dyn power, energy dynamite, dynamic Suffix ence (ance) state, condition performance, conference, insurance Root esth (aesth) beauty, feeling esthetician, aesthetic, kinesthesia Root ethn nation, race ethnicity, ethnology, ethnocentric Prefix eu good, well euphemism, euphoria Prefix ex out, former exit, ex-girlfriend, exterminate, extract Prefix extra beyond extraordinary, extraterrestrial, extravagance Suffix fer carry, bring transfer, ferry, conifer, confer Root fid trust confidence, fidelity Root flect (flex) bend reflect, flexible, inflect, deflect Root fore in front of, previous before, therefore, forebode, forecast Root fusc dark obfuscation, infuscate, subfuscous, fuscous Root ger old age geriatrics, gerontology Root grad (gress) to step, to go digress, gradual, graduate Root gyn woman gynecology, androgynous, misogyny Prefix homo (homeo) same, alike homogeneous, homonym, homeopath Prefix hyper over, beyond hyperactive, hyperventilate Prefix hypo under hypothermic, hypothesis, hypoglycemia Suffix ian related to librarian, historian, pedestrian Root idio peculiar, distinct idiotic, idiomatic Prefix in/im not incapable, incomplete, informal, imperfect Prefix infra beneath infrastructure, infrared Prefix inter between interview, international, interstate Prefix ir not irrational, irredeemable, irrelevant, irregular, Prefix iso equal isobar, isometric Root lab work elaborate, laboratory, laborious, labor, collaborate Root lat broad, wide dilate, latitude Root laud praise laudably, applause, applaud Root lex word, law lexicology, dyslexic, alexia, lexicon Root loq speech loquacious, eloquent, colloquialism Root luc light elucidate, lucid, translucent Prefix macro large, great macroeconomics, macronutrients, macroevolution Root mal bad, evil malignant, maltreat, malfeasance, malicious Root medi middle mediocre, medium, medieval Root melan black, dark melancholy, melanoma, melodrama Prefix meta change, beyond, after metaphysics, metamorphosis, metastasis Prefix micro small microscope, micronutrient Root migr move immigrant, emigrate, migrant, migration Prefix min small minimum, miniature, miniscule, minute Prefix mis wrong, bad mistake, misinterpret, misogynist Root miss (mit) send, cast remit, dismiss, missle, emit Prefix mono one monotheism, monodiglyceride Root mort death mortuary, immortal, mortify Root nat born innate, natural, natal Root neg no negate, negative, renege Prefix neo new neophyte, neonatal, neologistic, neocolonialism Root nov new novice, renovate, novelty Root null none nullify, nullification, nulliparity Prefix ob (op) in the way, against object, objection, opposition, obscure Prefix omni all omnipotent, omniscient, omnivorous Root opt best optimal, optimum, optimize Suffix ous having adventurous, hazardous, nauseous, joyous Root oxy sharp oxymoron, oxidize Root paleo ancient paleontologist, Paleolithic, paleography Root pan all pandemic, panorama, pantheon, panacea Prefix para beside, related parallel, parasite, paramedic Root path feeling antipathy, sympathetic, psychopath, apathy Root pel (puls) drive, push dispel, repulse, compel, compulsion Root ped foot, kid pedestrian, pedometer, pediatrician, pedophile Root peri around perimeter, peripheral Root phil loving philanthropic, philosophy, pedophile Root phob fear hydrophobia, phobia, claustrophobic Prefix poly many polytheistic, polyamorous, polygon Root pos put, place position, compose, deposit Prefix post after posterior, postpone, postmortem Prefix pre before prevent, predetermined, precaution, preview Root psuedo not genuine pseudonym, pseudoscience Root pug to fight pugnacious, repugnant, pugilant Root pul urge compulsion, impulsive, expulsion Root purg clean purge, purgatory, expurgate Prefix re again regenerate, reassess, reconfigure Root reg guide, rules regulate, regular, regent, regime Prefix retro back, backward retroactive, retrospect, retrograde Root san health sane, sanity, insane, sanitation Root scend climb, go ascend, crescendo, descent Root sci to know science, conscience, conscious, omniscient Root scrib write scribe, prescribe, inscribe, describe Prefix se apart secede, seclude, serum Root sect cut dissect, intersect, section Root sed sit sediment, sedentary Root sol comfort consolation, solace Root soph wise philosophy, sophisticated, sophism Prefix sub below, under submarine, subpar Prefix super higher in quality or quantity superior, supernatural, superfan, superb Root syn (sym) with, together synonym, sympathy Root tact to touch contact, tactile Root tax arrangement syntax, taxonomy, ataxia Root tele far television, telephone, telescope, telegraph Root tort twist contort, distort, retort Prefix trans across, through transform, transaction, translate, transport Prefix un not unfair, unable, unfriendly, uncontrollable Prefix uni one unicycle, united, unison Root vac empty vacuum, vacant, evacuate Root viv/vit life vitality, vivacious Root vor (vour) eat devour, voracious, carnivore, herbivore Root xen foreign xenocide, xenophobic, xenophile
