Spanish English | |
sentirse | Feel; feeling |
La rodilla | Knee |
El brazo | Arm |
La piel | Skin |
La espalda | Back |
La muñeca | Wrist |
El estómago | Stomach |
La frente | Forehead |
moverse | Move |
Romperse | Break |
Caerse | Fall |
Respirar | Breathe |
Tropezarse | Trip on; trip over; stumble |
Le duele el pecho | His/her chest hurts |
Los primeros auxilios | First aid |
El yeso | Cast |
La herida | Wound |
la ambulancia | ambulance |
el doctor, la doctora | doctor |
La fractura | fracture |
El hospital | hospital |
Los músculos | muscles |
el paramédico, la paramédica | paramedic |
El pulso | pulse |
Los rayos X | X-rays |
ayer | yesterday |
anoche | last night |
la semana pasada | last week |
el mes pasado | last month |
el año pasado | last year |
nació | Was born |
Bronquial | Bronchial |
descubrimientos | Discoveries |
El campo | Field |
murió | He passed away |
Reflexive Verbs—Something you do to yourself, infinitive ends in -se
Reflexive Pronoun Romperse | |
Me | Rompo |
Te | Rompes |
Se | Rompe |
Nos | Rompemos |
Os | Rompéis |
Se | Rompen |
e → ie stem change
Stem changes do not apply to nosotros and vosotros
Reflexive Pronoun Tropezarse | |
Me | Tropiezo |
Te | Tropiezas |
Se | Tropieza |
Nos | Tropezamos |
Os | Tropezáis |
Se | Tropiezan |
Yo-go verb
e → i stem change in the yo form
Reflexive Pronoun Caerse | |
Me | Caigo |
Te | Caes |
Se | Cae |
Nos | Caemos |
Os | Caéis |
Se | Caen |
To show what hurts, use the formula: Me duele + body part that hurts
Ending of doler does not change because of the subject (who is in pain), it changes based on the body part that hurts
If one body part hurts (singular) then doler is used as duele
If two or more body parts hurt (plural) then doler is used as duelen
Ex: Me duele la rodilla. (My knee hurts me.)
Ex: Me duelen los ojos. (My eyes hurt.)
Preterite tense
Used to talk about something that happened in the past
An action (not a thought or description)
Something that occurred at an exact moment in the past (can be pinpointed)
Something that began and was totally completed in the past (not ongoing)
Start with an infinitive and drop the ending
Use the ending chart for preterite regular verbs
Subject Pronoun -ar -er or -ir | ||
Yo | -é | -í |
tú | -aste | -iste |
él/ella/usted | -ó | -ió |
Nosotros/Nosotras | -amos | -imos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | -asteis | -isteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | -aron | -ieron |
Action sentence: Me rompí el brazo. (I broke my arm.)
Action completed at an exact moment in the past: Me caí ayer a las tres y media de la tarde. (I fell yesterday at 3:30 p.m.)
Action completed in the past and not ongoing: La doctora examinó el corazón el viernes pasado. (The doctor examined my heart last Friday.)
Spanish English | |
la fiebre | fever |
la sala de espera | waiting room |
la oficina del doctor | doctor's office |
la inyección | injection |
toser | cough |
estornudar | sneeze |
el picor | itch |
cubrir | cover |
mejorarse | get well |
descansar | rest |
recetar | prescribe |
tener la gripe | catch a cold; have a cold |
sanar | heal |
el dolor de garganta | sore throat; pain in the throat |
se ve mal | He/She looks bad |
debe cuidarse mejor | You (formal) must take better care of yourself |
examinar | Examine |
un síntoma | Symptom |
el termómetro | Thermometer |
Comenzar | To start |
Vestir | Get dressed |
Poder | Can; be able |
Jugar | To play |
Servir | To serve |
Un golpe | Hit |
temporada | Season |
grandes ligas | Major leagues |
Formal Commands
Used to be polite and show respect
Formal Command Endings:
-ar -er -ir | ||
-e | -a | -a |
Informal (tú) vs. Formal (usted) Commands Examples using Esperar
Command Spanish English | ||
tú affirmative | Espera en la oficina del doctor. | Wait at the doctor’s office. |
usted affirmative | Espere en la oficina del doctor. | Wait at the doctor’s office. |
tú negative | No esperes en la oficina del doctor. | Don't wait at the doctor’s office. |
usted negative | No espere en la oficina del doctor. | Don't wait at the doctor’s office. |
Irregular endings for formal commands
Tocar —> Toque
Llegar —> Llegue
Cruzar —> Cruce
Recoger —> Recoja
Spanish English | |
Consejos | Advice |
Saludable | Healthy |
La oficina del dentista | dentist's office |
el higienista dental/ la higienista dental | dental hygienist; dental assistant |
El hilo dental | floss |
La silla del dentista | dentist's chair |
el extractor de saliva | suction instrument; saliva ejector |
La lengua | tongue |
Los dientes superiores | upper teeth |
Los dientes inferiores | bottom teeth |
La mandíbula | jaw |
Las amígdalas | tonsils |
Las encías | gums |
Los frenos | braces |
El empaste | filling |
La muela del juicio | wisdom tooth |
Alinea los dientes | to align teeth |
Blanquea los dientes | to whiten teeth |
La extracción | extraction |
El dentista/La dentista | dentist |
La gingivitis | gingivitis |
El ortodoncista/la ortodoncista | orthodontist |
Asegurarse | Make sure |
A cambio | In return |
Regalos | Gifts |
Cognates: Me siento
I feel
I sit
Plural affirmative and negative formal commands
Singular vs Plural Formal Commands
Singular | Coma la manzana | Eat the apple |
Plural | Coman las manzanas | Eat the apples |
Singular | Beba agua | Drink water |
Plural | Beban agua | Drink water |
Plural formal command endings are based on the verb ending
-ar -er -ir | ||
-en | -an | -an |
How to use plural formal commands
Put the infinitive verb in the yo form
Drop the o
Add -en for -ar verbs
Add -an for -er and -ir verbs
Spelled changes in the formal command form
Spanish English | |
El tobillo | Ankle |
Muletas | Crutches |
Las bolas de algodón | Cotton balls |
el farmacéutico, la farmacéutica | pharmacist |
¿Tiene preguntas? | Do you have any questions? |
la receta | prescription |
Las pastillas | pills |
El jarabe para la tos | cough syrup |
la etiqueta | label |
el botiquín de primeros auxilios | first aid kit |
La gasa | gauze |
Las gotas | drops |
Cortar | to cut |
Lastimar | to hurt; to damage |
Torcer | to twist; to sprain; to bend |
Lee la dosis | read the dosage |
Cucharadas | tablespoons |
Tomar la medicina | to take the medicine |
En ayunas | on an empty stomach; fasting |
El alcohol | Alcohol |
La alergia | Allergy |
El antibiótico | Antibiotic |
La farmacia | Pharmacy |
El inhalador | Inhaler |
La medicina | Medicine |
Las vitaminas | Vitamins |
When talking about the past you use the preterite tense
To use the preterite tense:
Start with the infinitive then drop the -ar, -er, or -ir ending
Add the ending depending on the subject and original ending
Pronoun -ar -er -er | |||
Yo | -é | -í | -í |
Tú | -aste | -iste | -iste |
él/ella/usted | -ó | -ió | -ió |
Nosotros/as | -amos | -imos | -imos |
Vosotros/as | -asteis | -isteis | -isteis |
Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes | -aron | -ieron | -ieron |
Exception to preterite tense:
él/ella/usted ending is -yó
ellos/ellas/ustedes ending is -yeron
Other conjugations leer gets an accent over i
Spanish English | |
Saludable | Healthy |
mantenerse activo, mantenerse activa | Stay active |
La alimentación saludable | Healthy nutrition |
Mantenerse en forma | Stay in shape |
Comer porciones pequeñas | Eat small portions |
Tanta grasa | So much grease |
Tantos dulces | So much candy |
Tener fuerza | Have strength |
Bajar de peso | Lose weight |
Subir de peso | Gain weight |
La mente | Your mind |
El terapeuta, La terapeuta | Therapist |
Manejar las emociones | Manage emotions |
Estar contento, estar contenta | Be happy |
El estrés | Stress |
Estar triste | Be sad |
La dieta | Diet |
La energía | Energy |
Levante pesas | Lift weights |
Respire profundamente | Breathe deeply |
Busque un pasatiempo | Find a pastime |
No fumen | Don’t smoke |
No coman tanta grasa | Don’t eat so much grease |
No pase todo el día en el teléfono | Don’t spend all day on your phone |
Salud | Health |
Morder | Biting; bite |
Eliminar | Eliminates |
Jengibre | Ginger |
Alivia | Alleviates |
Formal Commands
Use formal commands when someone is older or you don’t know them
Verb Ending Singular (Usted) Plural (Ustedes) | ||
-ar | Lave | Laven |
-er & -ir | Escriba | Escriban |
Add the word no in front of the verb to tell someone not to do something
Verbs in the preterite tense
Regular endings
Subject pronoun -ar -er -ir | |||
Yo | -é | -í | -í |
Tú | -aste | -iste | -iste |
él/ella/usted | -ó | -ió | -ió |
Nosotros/nosotras | -amos | -imos | -imos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | -asteis | -isteis | -isteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | -aron | -ieron | -ieron |
Irregular verbs in the preterite tense
Subject Pronoun Ser (to be) | |
You | Fui |
Tú | Fuiste |
él/ella/usted | Fue |
Nosotros/Nosotras | Fuimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | Fuisteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | Fueron |
Estar (a → uv)
Subject Pronoun Estar (To be) | |
You | Estuve |
Tú | Estuviste |
él/ella/usted | Estuvo |
Nosotros/Nosotras | Estuvimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | Estuvisteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | Estuvieron |
Tener (a → uv)
Subject Pronoun Tener (To have) | |
You | Tuve |
Tú | Tuviste |
él/ella/usted | Tuvo |
Nosotros/Nosotras | Tuvimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | Tuvisteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | Tuvieron |
Subject Pronoun Hacer (To do; to make) | |
You | Hice |
Tú | Hiciste |
él/ella/usted | Hizo |
Nosotros/Nosotras | Hicimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | Hisisteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | Hicieron |
Subject Pronoun Ir (To go) | |
You | Fui |
Tú | Fuiste |
él/ella/usted | Fue |
Nosotros/Nosotras | Fuimos |
Vosotros/Vosotras | Fuisteis |
Ellos/ellas/ustedes | Fueron |
Context clues are use to tell the difference between the preterite form of ir and ser
Verbs ending with -car, -gar, and -zar have changes in the yo form
-car → qu
-gar → gu
-zar → c
Buscar un pasatiempo (Find a pastime.) → Busqué un pasatiempo. (I found a pastime.)
Jugar al baloncesto para mantenerme en forma. (Play basketball to stay in shape.) → Jugué al baloncesto para mantenerme en forma. (I played basketball to stay in shape.)
Comenzar la alimentación saludable. (Start healthy eating.) → Comencé la alimentación saludable. (I started healthy eating.)