legislation concerning safety
health and safety at work act
COSHH 2002
control of hazardous to health
reporting of injuries,diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations
DSEAR 2002 dangerous substances and explosive atmosphere regulations
major accidents
control of major accident hazards
backfield oil storage facility explosion and fire in December 2005
initial explosion produced a shock that registered 2.4 on the Richter scale
other hazards
manual handling operations regulations (MHOR)
must carry out risk assessment and implement procedures that will reduce the risk of injury from handling equipment or products
lifting things,moving materials around the workspace
display screen equipment regulations
this includes devices that have an alphanumeric display regardless of the display process.includes conventional computer screens as well as laptops and tablets and smart phones
the use of this equipment is associated with neck shoulder and arm pain and can lead to RSI (repetitive strain injury)
RSI can lead to people being unable to work
screen use can also lead to eyestrain and fatigue
the HSE issue guidelines about the type of screen and office equipment/furniture that should be used to reduce the risk of injury
this is also guidance as to the amount of time spent in front of a screen
other hazards
electrical safety
working at heights
lone working
working with vehicles
if ethanol is ingested then drinking a large quantity of water immediately and is recommended to call a physician
is ethanol come in contact with skin then it needs to be cleaned with plenty of water for a minimum of 15 mins