First Mass in the Philippines

Primary Source #1: Francisco Albo, a pilot in one of Magellan's ships, Trinidad. He was one of the 18 survivors who returned with Sebastian Elcano on the ship Victoria, after they circumnavigated the world.

In Albo's account, the location of Mazava fits the location of the island of Limasawa, at the southern tip of Leyte. Albo did not mention the first mass, but only the planting of the cross upon the mountain top from which could be seen three islands to the west southwest, which also fit the southern end of Limasawa.

Primary Source #2: Pigafetta's Testimony of the Route of Magellan's Expedition. The name of the location of the first mass was Mazaua in all primary sources, including Pigafetta's journal, which served as the trip chronicler for Magellan.

It must be pointed out that both Albo and Pigafetta's testimonies coincided and corroborated each other. Pigafetta gave more details on what they did during their week- long stay at Mazaua.

The birth of Roman Catholicism in the country was signified by the celebration of the first Catholic mass in the Philippines on March 31, 1521, on Easter Sunday.. As recounted by Pigafetta the first Christian Mass celebrated by Fr. Pedro de Valderama was made in an island which he called "Mazaua." He described Limasawa's Island shape as round like a ray and elongated like a sliced worm.

In the Pigafetta account, a crucial aspect of Butuan was not mentioned-the-river. Butuan is a riverine settlement, situated on the Agusan River. The beach of Masao is in the delta of the said river. It is a crucial omission in the account of the river, which makes part of a distinct characteristics of Butuan's geography that seemed to be too important to be missed. It must also be pointed out that later on, after Magellan's death, the survivors of his expedition went to Mindanao and seemingly went to Butuan. In this instance, Pigafetta vividly described a trip to a river. But note that this account already happened after Magellan's death.

Butuan has long been believed as the site of the first mass. In fact, this has been the case for three centuries, culminating in the erection of a monument in 1872 near Agusan River, which commemorated the expedition's arrival and celebration of Mass on April 8, 1521.

The king who joined in the first mass allegedly arrived at their ship in Balanghai, according to the report.

  • At least nine Balanghai artifacts have been discovered in Butuan, but not in Limasawa.

  • Distance from Homonhon-Limasawa (14.6 Leagues). Homonhon-Masao, Butuan (24.54 leagues).

  • Zaide determined that the first mass took place in Masao, Butuan. The diary of Pigafetta serves as the foundation of Zaide's assertion.

  • Gold and gold mines are plentiful | Mazzaua, as described by Pigafetta.

  • Albo, unlike Pigafetta, notes in his report that the first Mass was held in Butuan on Easter Sunday, March 31, 1521.

