"the president has greater power than the prime minister in theory, but in practice it is usually easier for the prime minister to achieve their aims"

P - i disagree as the president’s power should be limited by the constitution however there has been occasions that it isnt the case

E -




There are many factors that affect the power of the president or prime minister. These could be from where they get their powers from , the cabinet and through the budget. From these it is clear that the prime minister has more power in theory however it is harder for them to achieve their aims compared to the president.

It is clear that the prime minister is more powerful in theory, this is due to the nature of the constitution, where the role and powers of the prime minister aren’t specifically written down due to the uncodified nature of the constitution, whereas the role of the president is speciafically mentioned in article 2 of the us constitution. This is significant as the US consitution is codified, meaning that everything is written down, this potentially limits the power that the president has.

ebi: clearer point

It is clear that the president has more power when it comes to achieving their aims compared to the prime minister. This is seen through the seperation of powers, meaning that the president operates seperately from congress and the supreme court, this essentially means that they do not depend on a parliamentary majority whereas the uk
