You may be prompted for some theme development questions about purpose and focus.
Select the details that are most appropriate to include in the context of the paragraph/passage.
Remove sentences or sentences that are not appropriate in the context of the paragraph/passage.
Add sentences that match the evidence already presented.
You should identify a theme or pattern in the rest of the paragraph and proceed with that in mind.
Choose details or additional phrases that contradict what has already been said.
Identify or select a logical opening or closing sentence for the paragraph. Recommended Approach to "Goal"
Identify the requirements of the question (this is the author's goal) - what does the correct answer choice do? Get detailed information about the components of a requirement. Compare your answer options with all components of the requirement. Remove answer choices that do not contain all the components of the requirement. Eliminate answers that may not be relevant to the paragraph/passage context.
Choose the one that most closely matches your requirements. For questions that need to determine the best answer alternative to achieve a particular goal, all alternatives may sound good. The key to this type of question is that he chooses one option that accomplishes a very specific goal (or requirement) stated in the question. All the answers may sound good, but only one he can achieve the goal.
Recommended approach
Look at the first part of the possible answers (yes/no).
Ask yourself, "Is that the role of the passage?" Please answer yes/no. Eliminate answer choices with incorrect yes/no answers.
Check her second part ("why") in the rest of her answer.
Ask yourself, "Is it a reasonable summary of the essay?" - Yes No Objective and focus sample question theme development