Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier | Tinker v. Des Moines | Engel v. Vitale | Texas v. Johnson |
Schenck v. US | Bethel v. Fraser | Mapp v. Ohio 4th Amendment Right to Privacy Exclusionary Rule- without probable cause, exigent circumstances, evidence in plain view, and/or a warrant, police cannot search Evidence seized during a bad search is excluded
| TLO v. New Jersey 4th Amendment Right to Privacy Students have very little right to privacy in schools because the goal of the school is safety Schools do not need a probable cause or a warrant to search Only need reasonable suspicion
Korematsu v. US | Miranda v. Arizona | Gideon v. Wainwright 6th Amendment Denied due process and the right to a fair trial Guaranteed the right to counsel, even if you cannot afford an attorney
| Dobbs v. Jackson |