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Ap euro Notes Chap. 1 

The Late Middle Ages 1000 - 1400

Key Terms

  • First Estate- Nobility

  • Second Estate-Clergy

  • Third Estate- Peasants

  • Feudalism- the king gives nobility land, and they, in turn, have the surfs or free peasants work the land.

  • Scholasticism- The idea of merging current knowledge and church knowledge.

  • Thomas Aquinas-Thomas Aquinas was the greatest of the Scholastic philosophers. He produced a comprehensive synthesis of Christian theology and Aristotelian philosophy that influenced Roman Catholic doctrine for centuries. (10 reasons why god is real)

  • Holy Roman Empire- The Holy Roman Empire was a political entity in Western, Central, and Southern Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages

  • Catholic Church- The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church (center of medieval life)

  • %%100-Years War- %%The Hundred Years' War was a series of armed conflicts between the kingdoms of England and France during the Late Middle Ages. (1337-1453)

  • ^^Black Death-^^The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353.

  • The Avignon Papacy- The Avignon Papacy was the period from 1309 to 1376 during which seven successive popes resided in Avignon rather than in Rome

  • The Great Schism- he period from 1378 to 1417, when there were two, and later three, rival popes, each with his own following, his own Sacred College of Cardinals, and his own administrative offices

  • ConciliarismConciliarism-the theory of church government that places final ecclesiastical authority in representative church councils instead of in a papacy.

  • Heresy- any belief or theory that is firmly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular, the accepted beliefs of the church

  • Jan Hus- a Czech theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism, a key predecessor to Protestantism.

  • How did the 100-years war contribute to a decline of the Feudal system and the rise of centralizing Monarchies? Mercenaries were better fighters and required no land & only small sums in comparison to the knights who proved less efficient against men with sticks or longbows. This meant kings needed money not nobles to win wars.

  • What were the socioeconomic effects of the Black death? How did they help to undermine the status quo of the Late-Middle Ages?    Fewer peasants + nobles still need labor = peasants are paid more

  • How did the Avignon Papacy and the Great *western* Schism contribute to the loss of papal authority?  The hectic split of the church into 3 factions undermined church authority and legitimacy.

The Italian Renaissance

  • Key Terms

    • Renaissance Humanism

    • Secularism

    • Classical Revival

    • Philology

    • Linear Perspective

    • Chiaroscuro

    • Civic Humanism

    • Niccolo Machiavelli

    • Baldassarre Castiglione

    • Neoplatonism

    • Pico della Mirandola

    • Michelangelo

    • Leon Battista Alberti

    • Florence

    • Medici

    • Milan

    • Venice

    • Doge

    • The Papal States

  • Key Questions

    • Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

    • What were the key ideas of the Renaissance Humanists? How did their ideas differ from the key ideas of the Middle Ages, such as scholasticism?

    • What were the characteristic features of Renaissance Art?

    • How did the political and social circumstance of the Renaissance contribute to the artistic “golden age?”

    • Why did the Italian City-States decline at the beginning of the 16th century?

State formation and expansion

  • Key Terms

    • Centralization

    • The Ottoman Turks

    • Constantinople

    • Portugal

    • Henry the Navigator

    • Spain

    • The Reconquista

    • Ferdinand and Isabella

    • Columbus

    • The Aztecs

    • Cortez

    • The Inca

    • Pizarro

    • Potosí

    • The Columbian Exchange

    • Plantation Economy

    • The Atlantic Slave Trade

    • Bartolome de las Casas

    • Thomas More

    • Michel de Montaigne

    • Poland-Lithuania

    • The Sejm

    • Burgundy

    • Charles the Bold

    • The New Monarchs

    • France

    • Louis XI

    • England

    • The War of the Roses

    • The House of Tudor

    • The House of Habsburg

    • Charles V (Carlos I)

    • The Italian Wars (a.k.a. The Hapsburg-Valois Wars)

  • Key Questions

    • What motives encouraged European exploration  at the end of the 15th century?

    • What factors made it possible for Western European states to expand successfully at the end of the 15th century? (Political, Technological)

    • How did Portugal and Spain build their overseas empires? How did these approaches differ?

    • What were the effects of European expansion for Europe, Africa and America? (Political, Economic, Intellectual)

    • What political, economic, social changes during the Late Middle Ages facilitated the rise of centralized monarchical states?

    • What does a Monarch need to do in order to centralize her power?

    • What obstacles stood in the way of centralizing monarchs?

    • Give a detailed example of a state that became less centralized between 1450 and 1550.

    • Give a detailed example of a state that became more centralized between 1450 and 1550.

Big Picture Connections:

  • Think about how the following issues are causally connected

    • The 100-years war, centralizing monarchs

    • The Great Schism, The Black Death, centralizing monarchs

    • The Great Schism, The Black Death, renaissance culture

    • Trade, urbanization, renaissance culture

    • Trade, urbanization, and centralizing monarchs

    • Renaissance culture, the breakdown of the feudal system, and centralizing monarchs

    • Decline of Italian City-States, voyages of exploration, centralizing monarchs

    • Others? The more connections you can make, the better you will remember it all.

  • Medieval philosophy

  • Jan hus- early protestant theologian,

  • Pico Della Mirandola-we are free bc of god 900 thesis

Ap euro Notes Chap. 1 

The Late Middle Ages 1000 - 1400

Key Terms

  • First Estate- Nobility

  • Second Estate-Clergy

  • Third Estate- Peasants

  • Feudalism- the king gives nobility land, and they, in turn, have the surfs or free peasants work the land.

  • Scholasticism- The idea of merging current knowledge and church knowledge.

  • Thomas Aquinas-Thomas Aquinas was the greatest of the Scholastic philosophers. He produced a comprehensive synthesis of Christian theology and Aristotelian philosophy that influenced Roman Catholic doctrine for centuries. (10 reasons why god is real)

  • Holy Roman Empire- The Holy Roman Empire was a political entity in Western, Central, and Southern Europe that developed during the Early Middle Ages

  • Catholic Church- The Catholic Church, also known as the Roman Catholic Church, is the largest Christian church (center of medieval life)

  • %%100-Years War- %%The Hundred Years' War was a series of armed conflicts between the kingdoms of England and France during the Late Middle Ages. (1337-1453)

  • ^^Black Death-^^The Black Death was a bubonic plague pandemic occurring in Western Eurasia and North Africa from 1346 to 1353.

  • The Avignon Papacy- The Avignon Papacy was the period from 1309 to 1376 during which seven successive popes resided in Avignon rather than in Rome

  • The Great Schism- he period from 1378 to 1417, when there were two, and later three, rival popes, each with his own following, his own Sacred College of Cardinals, and his own administrative offices

  • ConciliarismConciliarism-the theory of church government that places final ecclesiastical authority in representative church councils instead of in a papacy.

  • Heresy- any belief or theory that is firmly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular, the accepted beliefs of the church

  • Jan Hus- a Czech theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism, a key predecessor to Protestantism.

  • How did the 100-years war contribute to a decline of the Feudal system and the rise of centralizing Monarchies? Mercenaries were better fighters and required no land & only small sums in comparison to the knights who proved less efficient against men with sticks or longbows. This meant kings needed money not nobles to win wars.

  • What were the socioeconomic effects of the Black death? How did they help to undermine the status quo of the Late-Middle Ages?    Fewer peasants + nobles still need labor = peasants are paid more

  • How did the Avignon Papacy and the Great *western* Schism contribute to the loss of papal authority?  The hectic split of the church into 3 factions undermined church authority and legitimacy.

The Italian Renaissance

  • Key Terms

    • Renaissance Humanism

    • Secularism

    • Classical Revival

    • Philology

    • Linear Perspective

    • Chiaroscuro

    • Civic Humanism

    • Niccolo Machiavelli

    • Baldassarre Castiglione

    • Neoplatonism

    • Pico della Mirandola

    • Michelangelo

    • Leon Battista Alberti

    • Florence

    • Medici

    • Milan

    • Venice

    • Doge

    • The Papal States

  • Key Questions

    • Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?

    • What were the key ideas of the Renaissance Humanists? How did their ideas differ from the key ideas of the Middle Ages, such as scholasticism?

    • What were the characteristic features of Renaissance Art?

    • How did the political and social circumstance of the Renaissance contribute to the artistic “golden age?”

    • Why did the Italian City-States decline at the beginning of the 16th century?

State formation and expansion

  • Key Terms

    • Centralization

    • The Ottoman Turks

    • Constantinople

    • Portugal

    • Henry the Navigator

    • Spain

    • The Reconquista

    • Ferdinand and Isabella

    • Columbus

    • The Aztecs

    • Cortez

    • The Inca

    • Pizarro

    • Potosí

    • The Columbian Exchange

    • Plantation Economy

    • The Atlantic Slave Trade

    • Bartolome de las Casas

    • Thomas More

    • Michel de Montaigne

    • Poland-Lithuania

    • The Sejm

    • Burgundy

    • Charles the Bold

    • The New Monarchs

    • France

    • Louis XI

    • England

    • The War of the Roses

    • The House of Tudor

    • The House of Habsburg

    • Charles V (Carlos I)

    • The Italian Wars (a.k.a. The Hapsburg-Valois Wars)

  • Key Questions

    • What motives encouraged European exploration  at the end of the 15th century?

    • What factors made it possible for Western European states to expand successfully at the end of the 15th century? (Political, Technological)

    • How did Portugal and Spain build their overseas empires? How did these approaches differ?

    • What were the effects of European expansion for Europe, Africa and America? (Political, Economic, Intellectual)

    • What political, economic, social changes during the Late Middle Ages facilitated the rise of centralized monarchical states?

    • What does a Monarch need to do in order to centralize her power?

    • What obstacles stood in the way of centralizing monarchs?

    • Give a detailed example of a state that became less centralized between 1450 and 1550.

    • Give a detailed example of a state that became more centralized between 1450 and 1550.

Big Picture Connections:

  • Think about how the following issues are causally connected

    • The 100-years war, centralizing monarchs

    • The Great Schism, The Black Death, centralizing monarchs

    • The Great Schism, The Black Death, renaissance culture

    • Trade, urbanization, renaissance culture

    • Trade, urbanization, and centralizing monarchs

    • Renaissance culture, the breakdown of the feudal system, and centralizing monarchs

    • Decline of Italian City-States, voyages of exploration, centralizing monarchs

    • Others? The more connections you can make, the better you will remember it all.

  • Medieval philosophy

  • Jan hus- early protestant theologian,

  • Pico Della Mirandola-we are free bc of god 900 thesis