Introduces the narrator, a pilot who crashes in the desert. We hear about his imaginative drawings of a snake that has eaten an entire elephant.
The narrator describes his encounter with the little prince, who appears suddenly in the middle of the desert. The little prince asks the narrator to draw him a sheep, but the narrator struggles to draw one that satisfies the prince. Eventually, the narrator draws a box and tells the prince that the sheep is inside. The little prince is delighted and believes that the sheep is indeed inside the box.
This chapter tells about where the prince came from. He says that he has come from another, very small planet. The planet is so small that he wants the sheep to be allowed to wander since it can’t go far.
The narrator determines that the Little Prince must have come from the Asteroid B 612. He discusses the way that adults have no imagination and only care about numbers, money, work, and life.
The planet has baobabs that grow on it which must be removed as soon as possible. The trees will grow so large that on a small planet, they would make the planet explode into pieces. The Little Prince hopes the sheep will eat the baobabs.