1. el bracero- the farm laborer
24. apenas- barely
2: recoger- to collect
25. el agujero- holes
3. pizcar- to pick
a. agujereado-full of holes
a pizcador- picker
4. caerle bien a alguien-to treat someore well
natal- native
mocho- cut off
rumbo a- todards/ of the way
el polvo- the dust
una lágrima- a tear
madrugar- to wake up early
la madrugada- early morning/ dawn
pegar ojo/los ojos- to be able to sleep
amanecer- begin to get light
el amanecer- sunise
acarrear- lend to, result in
el colchón- a mattess
amarrar- tie
la olla- the pot
abollar- to dent
la abolladura- a dent
18, tender- to tend to something
19. alejarse- move away
20, hacérsele un nudo en la garganta a
alguien- have a lump in your Throat
21. ya que- because/ since:
22 el cápataz- fore man, manager (farm)
La temporada- season
la viña- the vireyard
empapar(se)- to soak
el sudor- the sweat
caerse de rodillas-to fall on your knees
deslizársele algo a alguien- to sneak something to someone
el lodo- the mud
7, sentirse mareado- to feel faint/dizzy
susurrar- to mutter/mumble
apearse-to get off
tapar- to cover/ wrap up
apuntar -write down
borrar- to remove/erase
una manguera- a hose
sentirse magullado- to feel bruised
saborear- to Savor
sentir un gran alivio- to feel a great relief
impertinente- rude
aguarse los ojos- watery eyes
estremecer- to shake
brincar- to jump