Texas and Texans: Terms & Places to KNOW
Metroplex: manufacturing and trade center in Dallas/Fort Worth.
Alluvial Soils: soil with earth left on land prev. flooded or river water.
Peanuts: crop in Coastal Plains and NCP.
Maquiladoras: factories in MX producing piecework contracts with other countries.
Amarillo: largest city in %%North Plains,%% most northern major city in TX.
Guadalupe: range goes to NMX, peak is 8,749 ft. highest mtn in TX.
Buttes: small, flat-topped hills.
Houston: in the Coastal Plains, along important transportation routes.
Droughts: periods of little to no precip.
Basin: canyons and mountain plateaus w/ saucer shaped depressions.
Erosion: breaking down of land by natural forces.