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1.4 Stakeholders

STAKEHOLDERS - people who can be affected by and therefore have interest or stake in the business

Internal Stakeholders

  • members of the organization


  • Employees

    • job security

    • wage levels

    • work environment

  • Managers

    • job security

    • salary and benefits

  • Shareholders

    • annual dividends

    • share price

    • security of investment

External Stakeholders

  • do not form part of the business but have a direct interest or involvement in the organization


  • Suppliers

    • regular contracts

    • competitive prices

  • Customers

    • value of money

    • product quality

    • quality of service

  • Pressure Groups

    • enforce demands on organizations to act in a particular way

    • create jobs

    • don’t harm environment

    • ethical with employees

  • Government

    • job creation

    • tax payments

    • impact of business on society & economy

  • Competitors

    • fairness of prices

    • strategic plan of business

    • remain competitive

    • bench work performance

Stakeholder Conflict

  • It isn’t possible to satisfy all stakeholders at the same time

  • Conflicts always arise between different stakeholder interests

    • Shareholders want more profit by cutting employee benefits

    • Suppliers expect full payment, but business wants discount in exchange

    • Shareholders and employees argue that top managers are overpaid, but managers believe their job involves risky decision-making and the salaries are justified

Mutual Benefits of Stakeholder’s Interests

  • There are mutual benefits of simultaneously satisfying different stakeholders.

  • Addressing employee and manager needs leads to highly motivated staff, boosting productivity, and reducing absenteeism.

  • This can improve corporate image, market share, and profits.

  • Stakeholders are pleased and the greater output satisfies the government and pressure groups.

1.4 Stakeholders

STAKEHOLDERS - people who can be affected by and therefore have interest or stake in the business

Internal Stakeholders

  • members of the organization


  • Employees

    • job security

    • wage levels

    • work environment

  • Managers

    • job security

    • salary and benefits

  • Shareholders

    • annual dividends

    • share price

    • security of investment

External Stakeholders

  • do not form part of the business but have a direct interest or involvement in the organization


  • Suppliers

    • regular contracts

    • competitive prices

  • Customers

    • value of money

    • product quality

    • quality of service

  • Pressure Groups

    • enforce demands on organizations to act in a particular way

    • create jobs

    • don’t harm environment

    • ethical with employees

  • Government

    • job creation

    • tax payments

    • impact of business on society & economy

  • Competitors

    • fairness of prices

    • strategic plan of business

    • remain competitive

    • bench work performance

Stakeholder Conflict

  • It isn’t possible to satisfy all stakeholders at the same time

  • Conflicts always arise between different stakeholder interests

    • Shareholders want more profit by cutting employee benefits

    • Suppliers expect full payment, but business wants discount in exchange

    • Shareholders and employees argue that top managers are overpaid, but managers believe their job involves risky decision-making and the salaries are justified

Mutual Benefits of Stakeholder’s Interests

  • There are mutual benefits of simultaneously satisfying different stakeholders.

  • Addressing employee and manager needs leads to highly motivated staff, boosting productivity, and reducing absenteeism.

  • This can improve corporate image, market share, and profits.

  • Stakeholders are pleased and the greater output satisfies the government and pressure groups.