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King Lear PPQs


  • Shakespeare’s chief concern in King Lear is to highlight the absurdity of life in a heartless universe.” Examine this view of the play. (2017)

    • Nihilism.

  • “In King Lear Shakespeare presents a society in which violence goes hand in hand with power.” Examine this view of the play. (2017)

    • Power/violence.

  • “The play is concerned more with the trials of parenthood than the trials of kingship.” Discuss this view of the play King Lear (2018)

    • Fathers and children.

  • How far would you agree that in King Lear Shakespeare presents us with “a Christian play about a pagan world”? (2018)

    • Gods.

  • How far would you agree that “in the bleak world of King Lear Shakespeare leaves us in no doubt that loyal service earns no rewards”? (2019)

    • Nihilism.

  • “King Lear makes its audience think in different ways about attitudes towards madness.” Discuss this view of the play. (2019)

    • Madness.

  • How far would you agree that “the play King Lear offers no hope, only despair”? Your response must include close reference to relevant contexts. (2022)

    • Nihilism.

  • “The Gloucester subplot adds nothing to the story of a king and his tragic downfall.” Examine this view of the play King Lear, making close reference to relevant contexts. (2022)

    • Subplot.


King Lear PPQs


  • Shakespeare’s chief concern in King Lear is to highlight the absurdity of life in a heartless universe.” Examine this view of the play. (2017)

    • Nihilism.

  • “In King Lear Shakespeare presents a society in which violence goes hand in hand with power.” Examine this view of the play. (2017)

    • Power/violence.

  • “The play is concerned more with the trials of parenthood than the trials of kingship.” Discuss this view of the play King Lear (2018)

    • Fathers and children.

  • How far would you agree that in King Lear Shakespeare presents us with “a Christian play about a pagan world”? (2018)

    • Gods.

  • How far would you agree that “in the bleak world of King Lear Shakespeare leaves us in no doubt that loyal service earns no rewards”? (2019)

    • Nihilism.

  • “King Lear makes its audience think in different ways about attitudes towards madness.” Discuss this view of the play. (2019)

    • Madness.

  • How far would you agree that “the play King Lear offers no hope, only despair”? Your response must include close reference to relevant contexts. (2022)

    • Nihilism.

  • “The Gloucester subplot adds nothing to the story of a king and his tragic downfall.” Examine this view of the play King Lear, making close reference to relevant contexts. (2022)

    • Subplot.