Chapter 4 Consciousness Extensive


  • Consciousness- awareness of everything going on around, at any time

  • There are multiple streams of consciousness

Name of Disorder

Primary Symptoms

nocturnal leg cramps

painful cramps in calf or foot muscles


excessive daytime sleepiness


urinating while asleep

restless leg syndrome

uncomfortable sensations in legs causing movement and loss of sleep


  • Waking consciousness is how we spend most of our time, which includes: thoughts, sensations, feelings, and alertness

  • altered states of consciousness have controlled processes and automatic processes

  • altered states can feel fuzzy, but increase alertness

  • conscious awareness can be divided, by focusing on one task and thinking about something else, which can be dangerous whether it is texting and driving or talking and driving

-controlled processes require undivided attention (ex. driving, conversing, and note-taking)

-automatic processes require less attention (ex. walking, brushing hair)

  • forms of altered states can include daydreaming, meditating, sleeping, and being hypnotized

    -drugs can cause an altered state as well (ex. caffeine, alcohol, tobacco)


  • most biological processes occur daily (ex. sleep cycle, heart beat, body temperature, production of body chemicals, and rise/fall of blood pressure)

  • the sleep cycle and body temperature are controlled by the hypothalamus, specifically in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (known as the internal clock)

  • the pineal gland secretes melatonin, which secretes or stops secreting according to daylight

  • going against the circadian rhythm can cause illness, low productivity, and accidents

  • higher body temperature is linked to alertness and lower is linked to sleepiness


  • chemicals used up during the day are replenished during sleep

  • cellular damage is repaired

  • brain plasticity is enhanced

  • growth of body and repair during the deepest sleep stages because enzymes secrete more

  • sleep helps form memories and strengthens them

  • symptoms of sleep deprivation: irritability, lack of attention, staring off, and hands trembling

  • increased risk of alzheimerā€™s, obesity, and insulin resistance that could cause diabetes

  • weak immune system and possibly delay in puberty

  • longer sleep can be linked to having a healthier heart, decreased risk of heart disease and stroke


non-REM (NREM) sleep- any stage of sleep that is not REM

N1: light sleep

-people may not know they were asleep

-may experience hypnogogic images or hallucinations; hypnic jerk

N2: sleep spindles

-experiences slow heart rate, shallow breathing, body temperature drop

-brief bursts of brain activity

N3: delta waves come in

-deepest stage of sleep

-growth hormones are released

-these waves make up 20%-50% of brain activity


  • causes of insomnia are both psychological and physical

  • sleep apnea can cause heart problems, low quality of sleep, and depression

  • narcolepsy is a type of ā€œsleep seizureā€

