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Vocabulary List 2

Retaliation - to do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly

Advantageous - helpful or favorable

Mediocre - of moderate or low quality

Dismay - to cause (someone) to feel very worried, disappointed, or upset

Toil - laborious effort

Verbiage - speech or writing that contains too many words or that uses words that are more difficult than necessary

Suffuse - to spread over or fill

Infinite - having no limits

Manifest - able to be seen: clearly shown or visible

Patronage - support that is given to a business, library, etc., by buying its goods or using ties services

Cowardice - fear that makes you unable to do what is right or expected: lack of courage

Bewilder - to confuse very much

Receptacle - a container that is used to hold something

Cadence - a regular beat or rhythm

Sieve - a kitchen tool that has many small holes and that is used to separate smaller particles from larger ones

Filigree - decoration that consists of delicate and complicated designs made of fine gold or silver wire

Insidious - causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed

Tyranny - cruel and unfair treatment by people with over others

Mobilize - to come together for action

Treason - the betrayal of a trust

Vocabulary List 2

Retaliation - to do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you badly

Advantageous - helpful or favorable

Mediocre - of moderate or low quality

Dismay - to cause (someone) to feel very worried, disappointed, or upset

Toil - laborious effort

Verbiage - speech or writing that contains too many words or that uses words that are more difficult than necessary

Suffuse - to spread over or fill

Infinite - having no limits

Manifest - able to be seen: clearly shown or visible

Patronage - support that is given to a business, library, etc., by buying its goods or using ties services

Cowardice - fear that makes you unable to do what is right or expected: lack of courage

Bewilder - to confuse very much

Receptacle - a container that is used to hold something

Cadence - a regular beat or rhythm

Sieve - a kitchen tool that has many small holes and that is used to separate smaller particles from larger ones

Filigree - decoration that consists of delicate and complicated designs made of fine gold or silver wire

Insidious - causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed

Tyranny - cruel and unfair treatment by people with over others

Mobilize - to come together for action

Treason - the betrayal of a trust