Mrs. McHale Allusions

  1. Achilie’s Heel

  • A weakness or vulnerable area 

  1. Adonis

  • A handsome young man

  1. Apollo

  • A physically perfect male

  1. Argus-Eye

  • Vigilant watchful or observant 

  1. Berserk

  • Out of Control; wild

  1. Boycott

  • To withdraw from commercial/social relations with an organization/person as a punishment/protest

  1.  Bumble

  • Speak in a confused way; to act or move in an awkward manner

  1.  David and Goliath

  • A situation in which a small or weak person or organization tries to defeat another much larger or stronger opponent

  1.  Don Juan

  • An obsessive pursuer of women, a womanizer 

  1.  Donnybrook

  • A scene of uproar and disorder; a heated argument 

  1.  Frankenstein

  • Something that destroys or the harm the person or people that created it

  1.  Galahad

  • A pure or noble man

  1.  Good Samaritan

  • A charitable or helpful person

  1.  Hackneyed

  • Has been said or used so often that it has become boring and has no meaning

  1.  Handwriting/writing on the wall

  • Upcoming misfortune, something bad will probably happen

  1.  Harpy

  • A cruel or nasty women 

  1.  Herculean

  • Muscular and strong; having great strength

  1.  Jekyll and Hyde

  • A person that alternatively displays two different sides in their character

  1.  Job

  • Having perseverance or patience during adversity

  1.  Judas

  •  A treacherous person; a traitor

  1.  Laconic

  • Using very few words

  1.  Lilliputian

  • Trivial or small

  1.  Meander

  • To follow a winding course

  1.  Mercurial

  • Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind

  1.  Muse

  • A source of inspiration for an artist

  1.  Narcissism

  • Excessive interest in or admiration of oneself and one’s physical appearance

  1.  Philistine

  • A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no understanding

  1.  Quixotic

  • Exceedingly idealistic; unrealistic and impractical

  1.  Scapegoat

  • A person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others

  1.  Scrooge

  • A person stingy with money

  1.  Thespian

  • Relating to drama and the theater

  1.  Titanic

  • Of exceptional size, strength, and power

  1.  Yahoo

  • A rude, noisy, or violent person
