Using HTML
Use the <img> tag to insert an image:
<img src='image-url.jpg' alt='description' />
Replace 'image-url.jpg' with the actual path to your image and provide an appropriate description for accessibility.
Using Markdown
Use the following syntax to insert an image:

Again, replace 'image-url.jpg' with the path to your image. 'alt text' should describe the image.
Using Word Processors (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Docs)
Go to the Insert menu.
Click on 'Image' or 'Picture'.
Select the source of the image (upload from your computer, web, etc.) and click 'Insert'.
Using Presentation Software (e.g., PowerPoint)
Navigate to the slide where you want the image.
Click on the Insert tab, then choose 'Pictures' and select your image source.