This part of the exam is made out of 30 multiple-choice questions
The questions test your understanding of different text types
You’ll have 40 minutes to answer 30 multiple-choice questions based on a wide range of printed materials
Use the test-like selections and multiple-choice questions to practice
The questions are based off of literary works and everyday sources (newspapers, ads…)
Some documents are going to include visual items (graphs, tables)
This section tests your understanding of the cultural components of the Francophone world
The strategies are described in chapter 4
In Section I, Part A you’ll find instructions in French and English
Tips and Examples
Read the text provided.
Skimp through the questions without answering them.
Read the text provided again.
Look for possible keywords, for example: Selection 5, question no 2;
The direct question: Quel genre de lecteur serait intéressé par ce livre? (What kind of reader would be interested in this book)
One of many keywords are “la bataille ne dura que 4 heures,” “six mille Français et mille six cents Anglais,” “le génie tactique,” “le traité de Troyes.” (the battle lasted only 4 hours; six thousand French and one thousand six hundred English; tactical engineering; the Treaty of Troyes)
Its important to understand the context of certain words and sentences.
Carefully inspect the graphs and pictures- write out the information you found.
Finally, answer the ABCD type questions by drawing a circle around the letter of your answer.