Practice Qs

Neurotransmitters and Hormones
  1. Jake is preparing for an important presentation. His heart rate increases, and he feels a sudden surge of energy. Which neurotransmitter is responsible for his fight-or-flight response?
    A) Dopamine
    B) Serotonin
    C) Epinephrine (Epinephrine is responsible for the physical changes such as increased heartbeat during stressful scenarios essentially activating the fight or flight response)
    D) Oxytocin

  2. Emma takes an SSRI to manage her anxiety. What neurotransmitter does this medication primarily affect?
    A) Dopamine
    B) Serotonin (SSRIs is an antidepressant that ensures enough serotonin is provided to the individual by providing the individual with serotonin)
    C) Norepinephrine
    D) Testosterone

  3. Kevin is very competitive and enjoys taking risks. His high levels of which hormone might contribute to this behavior?
    A) Cortisol
    B) Testosterone (High levels of testosterone are associated with increased risktaking and competitiveness)
    C) Oxytocin
    D) Epinephrine

  4. Anna is a new mother and feels a deep emotional bond with her baby. Which hormone is responsible for this bonding experience?
    A) Dopamine
    B) Cortisol
    C) Oxytocin (Oxytocin is the love drug, responsible for attention and affection between individuals)
    D) Norepinephrine

  5. Despite stressful deadlines, Lucas remains calm and level-headed. He likely has higher levels of:
    A) Cortisol
    B) Epinephrine
    C) Serotonin (Higher levels of serotonin allows one to remain calm and happy. Thats why people take SSRIs when they are missing serotonin)
    D) Dopamine

Brain Regions and Functions
  1. Miguel is walking home when a loud noise startles him. Which brain structure is responsible for his fear response?
    A) Hippocampus (memory formation and learning, past experiences shape personality)
    B) Amygdala (Dealing with emotional intensity and fear)
    C) Neocortex (higher order thinking and decision making)
    D) Nucleus Accumbens (Has to deal with dopamine and reinforcement) 

  2. Sophia struggles with planning and making decisions after a head injury. Which brain region was likely damaged?
    A) Amygdala (Emotions)
    B) Hippocampus (Memory formation)
    C) Frontal Cortex (Self control, planning, decision making)
    D) Hypothalamus (Regulates hormones, hunger and emotions, stress response)

  3. Olivia enjoys thrill-seeking activities, such as skydiving. Her behavior is likely influenced by which brain structure?
    A) Nucleus Accumbens (dopamine such as acquired when skydiving)
    B) Hypothalamus
    C) Hippocampus
    D) Cortex

  4. James is struggling with memory loss after an accident. Which brain region is most likely affected?
    A) Neocortex (Higher order thinking)
    B) Hypothalamus (Eating, hunger, emotions)
    C) Hippocampus (Memory)
    D) Amygdala (Emotions)

  5. Noah experiences sudden emotional outbursts and difficulty regulating his mood. What part of the brain might be overactive?
    A) Frontal Cortex
    B) Nucleus Accumbens
    C) Amygdala (Responsible for emotions and emotional response)
    D) Neocortex

Personality and The Big Five
  1. Emma is always organized, meets deadlines, and keeps a strict schedule. Which Big Five trait describes her?
    A) Neuroticism
    B) Conscientiousness (Her conscious is strong as she keeps on track and follows deadlines without feeling overstressed)
    C) Agreeableness
    D) Extraversion

  1. Liam is very outgoing and enjoys being the center of attention. Which personality trait does he exhibit?
    A) Neuroticism
    B) Extraversion  (Likes going out of his way to do things and be the center of attention)
    C) Openness
    D) Agreeableness

  2. Ava tends to be anxious and easily stressed in social situations. Which Big Five trait is likely high?
    A) Conscientiousness
    B) Agreeableness
    C) Neuroticism (As she does not understand how to control her emotions in stressful circumstances and scenarios)
    D) Extraversion

  3. Ethan loves trying new things, traveling, and reading about philosophy. He is high in:
    A) Openness to Experience (Is open to trying things out of comfort zone such as traveling)
    B) Neuroticism
    C) Conscientiousness
    D) Agreeableness

  4. Mia is kind, considerate, and often helps her friends. Which personality trait does she strongly exhibit?
    A) Openness
    B) Neuroticism
    C) Agreeableness (Understands her friends are human too and may need help sometimes)
    D) Extraversion

Psychodynamic Theories and Freud
  1. Jason has a habit of biting his nails when he's nervous. According to Freud, he may have unresolved conflict in which stage?
    A) Anal
    B) Phallic
    C) Oral (As he is still biting his fingers and putting them in his mouth, this may be an unresolved conflict)
    D) Genital

  2. Sarah is very orderly and hates messes. Freud would say she is fixated in which psychosexual stage?  Anal, oral, phallic, latency, genital
    A) Latency (nothing)
    B) Phallic (relationship issues)
    C) Anal (Orderliness comes from anal stage such as when being too strict when potty training or being too lenient when potty training)
    D) Genital (Intimacy problems)

  3. According to Freud, the part of the mind that operates on the pleasure principle is the:
    A) Superego
    B) Id (Acts on prehistoric urges that deal with pleasure)
    C) Ego
    D) Collective Unconscious

  4. A child resents their same-sex parent but then begins to copy their behavior. Freud called this process:
    A) Repression (Put feeling/thought into subconscious)
    B) Projection (Projecting your own feelings onto someone else)
    C) Identification (One starts identifying and copying behaviors as another individual)
    D) Displacement (Taking out attitude in manner that's positive)

  5. Which defense mechanism is occurring when someone attributes their own unacceptable thoughts onto someone else?
    A) Reaction Formation
    B) Projection (Projecting your own feelings onto someone else)
    C) Sublimation
    D) Repression

Carl Jung and Neo-Freudians
  1. John is naturally introverted and prefers deep conversations over large social events. Jung would say he is high in:
    A) Extroversion
    B) Introversion (Enjoys be reserved and not out)
    C) Neuroticism
    D) Openness

  2. Anna believes all humans have a shared set of unconscious ideas and images. This aligns with Jung's concept of:
    A) Personal Unconscious
    B) Id
    C) Collective Unconscious (all humans share fundamentals and archetypes)
    D) Superego

  3. Daniel views the world logically and prefers structured plans. According to Jung, he likely favors:
    A) Feeling over Thinking (emotional vs rational)
    B) Intuition over Sensation (Patterns)
    C) Thinking over Feeling (rational vs emotional)
    D) Perceiving over Judging (spontaneous vs structures decision making)

  4. Which of the following is NOT a concept from Jung’s theory?
    A) Anima/Animus
    B) Archetypes
    C) Oedipus Complex
    D) Collective Unconscious

  5. Emily is fiercely independent and does not like relying on others. Karen Horney would say she is exhibiting which coping strategy?
    A) Moving Toward People
    B) Moving Away from People
    C) Moving Against People
    D) Projection

Erikson’s Psychosocial Development
  1. A newborn learns to trust their caregiver when their needs are met. This represents:
    A) Industry vs. Inferiority
    B) Trust vs. Mistrust (Learn to trust people or not to trust)
    C) Initiative vs. Guilt
    D) Autonomy vs. Shame

  2. A teenager struggling to figure out their career path is experiencing Erikson’s stage of:
    A) Identity vs. Role Confusion (Trying to find out their identity and who they are)
    B) Industry vs. Inferiority
    C) Autonomy vs. Shame
    D) Initiative vs. Guilt

  3. A young adult looking for a long-term partner is experiencing which crisis?
    A) Trust vs. Mistrust
    B) Generativity vs. Stagnation
    C) Intimacy vs. Isolation (Figuring out if they want a long time partner or want to be alone)
    D) Integrity vs. Despair

  4. A retiree reflecting on whether they lived a meaningful life is experiencing:
    A) Initiative vs. Guilt
    B) Integrity vs. Despair (Realizing if they accomplished a lot in life or embarrassed of what they weren't able to do)
    C) Identity vs. Role Confusion
    D) Intimacy vs. Isolation

  5. A middle-aged adult who mentors younger employees is experiencing:
    A) Industry vs. Inferiority
    B) Generativity vs. Stagnation (People trying to make impact on others and the world)
    C) Intimacy vs. Isolation
    D) Trust vs. Mistrust

Erikson’s Psychosocial Development (Continued)
  1. A middle-aged adult who mentors younger employees is experiencing:
    A) Industry vs. Inferiority
    B) Generativity vs. Stagnation
    C) Intimacy vs. Isolation
    D) Trust vs. Mistrust

  2. Leo, a 70-year-old retired professor, often reflects on his life. If he feels he has lived a meaningful life, he is in Erikson’s stage of:
    A) Integrity vs. Despair (Proud of what he was able to accomplish with his life)
    B) Generativity vs. Stagnation
    C) Identity vs. Role Confusion
    D) Initiative vs. Guilt

  3. Amelia, a 25-year-old, struggles with forming deep, meaningful relationships. According to Erikson, she is in which psychosocial stage?
    A) Identity vs. Role Confusion
    B) Trust vs. Mistrust
    C) Intimacy vs. Isolation (Still trying to form intimate bonds with people and feels lonely)
    D) Industry vs. Inferiority

Personality and Behavior
  1. Adam is an aggressive salesperson who manipulates clients for personal gain. Which personality trait is he likely high in?
    A) Agreeableness
    B) Conscientiousness
    C) Neuroticism (Doesn't really care about others, mainly himself)
    D) Machiavellianism

  2. Jessica enjoys having a clean house and follows a daily planner religiously. She is likely high in:
    A) Neuroticism
    B) Openness
    C) Extraversion
    D) Conscientiousness (Understands there is stuff needed to be done and makes sure its done)

  3. Daniel gets anxious easily and often worries about things outside of his control. He likely scores high in which Big Five trait?
    A) Neuroticism (Isn't able to properly control his emotions)
    B) Agreeableness
    C) Conscientiousness
    D) Extraversion

  4. Maya prefers abstract thinking, loves art, and enjoys solving complex philosophical problems. She is high in:
    A) Conscientiousness
    B) Openness (Open to try out new things even though they may seem tough at first glance)
    C) Extraversion
    D) Agreeableness

Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
  1. A person who refuses to acknowledge painful memories is engaging in which defense mechanism?
    A) Projection
    B) Denial (Denies that memory and refuses to acknowledge the truth)
    C) Displacement
    D) Repression

  2. Which of the following best represents Freud’s idea of the “superego”?
    A) The desire to seek pleasure immediately (ID)
    B) The ability to make logical decisions
    C) The moral compass that guides behavior (Superego deals with morality)
    D) The part of the unconscious that holds repressed memories

  3. According to Freud, which stage is characterized by the development of morality and identification with the same-sex parent?
    A) Oral
    B) Anal
    C) Phallic (Gender identity and social norms)
    D) Genital

  4. Matthew is very rebellious and resists authority at work. Freud would say this stems from fixation in which stage?
    A) Anal (Defiance to authority)
    B) Oral (dependency or independency, argumentative and cant work well with others)
    C) Genital
    D) Phallic

Jung’s Personality Theory
  1. Which Jungian archetype represents a person's dark or hidden side?
    A) The Self
    B) The Shadow
    C) The Persona
    D) The Anima

  2. In Jung’s theory, the "anima" represents:
    A) A man’s unconscious feminine traits
    B) A person’s sense of morality
    C) A collective set of memories
    D) A woman’s need for social approval

  3. Sophie is an extrovert who thrives in social situations. Which of Jung’s personality attitudes does she exhibit?
    A) Extraversion
    B) Introversion
    C) Thinking
    D) Feeling

Personality Development & Biological Influences
  1. According to twin studies, which factor is most responsible for differences in personality?
    A) Shared environment
    B) Genetics (Account for around half of difference in personality)
    C) Parenting styles
    D) Birth order

  2. A researcher finds that people high in agreeableness have more activity in which hormone?
    A) Cortisol
    B) Oxytocin (love hormones, forms more meaningful relationships)
    C) Testosterone
    D) Epinephrine

  3. Which brain structure is most linked to reward-seeking behaviors?
    A) Hypothalamus
    B) Hippocampus
    C) Amygdala
    D) Nucleus Accumbens (Dopamine)

Imaging Techniques & Neuroscience
  1. Which brain imaging technique is most commonly used to measure changes in blood flow to detect activity?
    A) EEG
    B) PET
    C) fMRI
    D) CT

  2. Which of the following imaging techniques is best for measuring real-time electrical activity?
    A) MRI
    B) fMRI
    C) EEG
    D) PET

  3. The primary limitation of using brain imaging in personality research is that:
    A) It is too subjective
    B) It is correlational, not causal (Might occur at the same time but you can't tell if it's causality or not)
    C) It is impossible to measure brain activity
    D) Brain activity does not relate to personality

Which neurotransmitter is most associated with motivation and pleasure-seeking?
A) Serotonin
B) Dopamine
C) Norepinephrine
D) Cortisol
