Executive Branch
Constitutional Requirements
Must be a natural born citizen
At least 35 years old
Oldest is Trump
Youngest elected was JKF but youngest serving was Teddy Roosevelt
No one under 40 yet likely bc ppl don’t want to vote for someone w/ little experience
Lived in the US for at least 14 years total (not necessarily consecutive)
Term Limits
22nd Amendment — 2 terms plus 2 years
Plus 2 if the VP takes over halfway thru a president’s term
25th Amendment — disability of president + succession process
A new non-elected VP needs approval from both houses
Presidential Succession
Prez —> VP —> Speaker of House —> Prez Pro Temp —> Sec. of State —> Other Cabinet members
So far it hasn’t gone past the Speaker of the House (VP RESIGNED —> Prez Richard Nixon RESIGNED —> SOH Gerald Ford TOOK OFFICE)
President’s Roles
Chief of State
Chief Exec
Chief Admin.
Chief Diplomat
Commander in Chief OR THE…
Chief Legislator**
Party Chief**
**Not explicitly in Constitution
War Powers Resolution 1973
Required president to consult w/ congress prior to using military force
Mandates the withdrawal of troops after 60 days unless congress declared war or granted an extension
Congress could at any time pass a concurrent resolution (can’t be vetoed) ending American participation in hostilities
Presidents have largely ignored the law and sent troops into hostilities
State of the Union
Article 2 Section 3 Clause 1 of the constitution
Address Congress
How was the country doing and what was going on
The Vice President (and Gun Safety)
VP is a heartbeat away
Political professional, faithful follower which might deter his own presidential ambitions, i.e. Gore)
Formal Duties
Preside over senate
Vote incase of tie
Importance of the Office
Balance the ticket
Powers have grown over time
Must be a natural born citizen
Gerald Ford — only non elected president (as president or vp bc he was speaker of house)
EOP and the Cabinet (picks)
EOP = Executive Office of the President
Made up of several agencies staffed by the presidents most trusted advisors and assistants
White House Office — nerve center of the executive office
“West Wing”
Chief of staff directs the operations of the whole presidential staff AKA “Gatekeeper of the President”
National Security Council — people that deal with national security/military/military adjacent…FBI, CIA, Homeland, etc.
Office of Policy Development — domestic affairs
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) — big role in making the budget/proposal
Council of Economic Advisors — keep watch over economy and possible problems
The Cabinet (part of bureaucracy)
What is it?
Individually — run their respective departments
Together — advise the president on policy matters concerning their department
15 secretaries and Attorney General
Responsibilities — execute presidential and congressional policy directives
Requirements — support the president, usually partisan selections, that can become a rough time when appeasing the senate
Senate confirms all cabinet appointees
The Brain Trust and Kitchen Cabinet
Brain Trust = FDR’s advisors (social and economic) that came up with the New Deal (how to get us out of Great Depression)
Kitchen Cabinet = Andrew Jackson’s cabinet that were his group of friends that basically just hung out and did government stuff
The Bureaucracy
What is the Bureaucracy?
A hierarchical authority structure that use task specialization, operates on the merit principle, and behaves w/ impersonality
Bureaucracy: a large, complex organization composed of appointed officials
Govern modern states
Administrative Discretion: authority given by congress to the federal bureaucracy to use reasonable judgment in implementing laws
Merit Principle: intended to produce an administration of people w/ talent and skill
Entrance and promotion are warded on the basis of demonstrated abilities versus “who you know”
Civil Service: system of hiring and promotion based on the merit principle and the desire to create a nonpartisan government service
Patronage System/Principle: reward for supporting (opposite of merit principle and civil service)
Hatch Act — prohibits civil service employees from actively participating in partisan politics while on duty
No one person can make all the decisions
American Bureaucracy:
Political authority over the bureaucracy is shaped—in Britain, bureaucrats don’t deal w/ Parliament
Most of the agencies of the federal government share their functions w/ related agencies in state/local government…FEDERALISM
Red Tape: excessive regulation or rigid conformity to formal rules that is considered redundant or bureaucratic and hinders or prevents action or decision-making
Usually applied to governments, corporations, and other large organizations
How Bureaucracies are Organized
what was the first one?????
Independent Regulatory Agencies
Responsible for some sector of the economy making rules and judging diputes to protect the public interest
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
Government Corporations
Provide services like private companies and typically charge for them
Postal Service
Trending more towards private sector than public
Issues about why we are paying taxes that go towards these if we have to pay anyways
Independent Executive Agencies
Don’t fit in anywhere else
Administrators typically appointed by the president and serve at their pleasure
Bureaucracy and Democracy
Congress tries to control the bureaucracy
Influence appointments of agency heads
Senate confirms presidential nominees
Alter agency’s budget
Oversight hearings
Rewrite legislation/make it more detailed
Solicitor General
Represent the USA before the Supreme Court
Determines the legal position that the USA will take in the supreme court
In addition to supervising and conducting cases in which the government is a party, the Solicitor General’s office also files amicus curiae briefs in cases in which the federal government has a significant interest in the legal issue
Amicus curiae = friend of the court
Also files appeals in some cases