Roman Empire

  • The Roman Empire began as a Kingdom ruled by tyrants

  • A Republic develops

    • (a form of mixed government where many people’s voices were heard.)

  • Julius Caesar, a military leader

    • Julius Caesar won many military victories and expanded Rome

    • Julius Caesar named himself dictator during the civil wars

    • Senators murder Julius Caesar

    • Julius Caesar leads Rome to become an Empire

    • The Emperor is worshiped as a God

  • The Roman Empire experienced a golden age called Pax-Romana, during the first 200 years of its empire.

    • Trade grew

    • The rule of law expanded

    • Roads and aqueducts improved lives

    • People lived safely in cities

    • People had a voice in the government

  • Third-Century Crisis of the Roman Empire

    • After the pax-Romana era of the Roman Empire, the government declined

    • Emperors grabbed more power for themselves

    • Christians were persecuted, particularly because they refused to worship the emperor.

    • The Empire is too big to govern

    • The military is stretched out too thin

    • Barbarian invasions weaken and destroy the empire

    • Leads to the dark ages and feudalism
