Moral evil is evil that is a result of human actions for example murder. A scottish philosopher claimed that The Problem of Evil was “THE ROCK OF ATHEISM”. He believed that there was no logical way of explaining how a benevolent God can allow suffering to happen to good people
Natural evil are Events that cause suffering but aren’t the result of human actions like volcanoes. Natural evil poses a big problem to religious people. They believe God is the creator of the world. If so, why would he create a world in which things like volcanoes exist and harm many people? Christians cannot explain this with the ‘free will’ argument
The problem of evil is an argument against the existence of God. The argument applies to Christians because they believe in the God of Classical Theism. This means God has certain traits which suggest that, if He exists, there should be no evil in the world.
Firstly, Christians believe God is omniscient (all-knowing). This means He has knowledge of everything that will happen in the world, including bad things.
Secondly, they believe God is omnibenevolent(all-loving). If this is the case God would care about His creation and not want anything bad to happen to them
Thirdly, Christians believe God is omnipotent(all-powerful). This mean He is able to stop evil from happening if He wishes.