Labor movements, class struggle and capitalism
Appalachian mine wars
Series of early 20th century conflicts between coal miners and mine operators over labor rights
Battle of blair mountain (1921)
One of the largest labor uprisings in US history
coal miners fought for better conditions
Bread and roses strike (1912)
Labor strike in Lawrence, MA
Demanded fair wages and dignified working conditions
Company towns
Towns where businesses controlled housing, stores, and wages
Keep workers economically dependent
Competition among capitalists
Struggle between owners to maximize profit
Can lead to exploitation
Conflict theory
Views social structures as defined by conflict between dominant and oppressed groups
Process of capitalists profiting from workers labor without fair compensation
Labor as a commodity
Labor is bought and sold like goods
Communist manifesto (1848)
Karl marx and friedrich engles
Advocated for proletarian revolution
The working class
Surplus value
The extra value produced and taken by capitalists
Trade unions
Organizations formed by workers to fight for labor rights
Workers who continue to work during strikes
Work stoppage as protest
The general strike
Strike across industries to protest broader social injustices
Workingmen's benevolent association
19th century labor organization
Coal miners advocating for better conditions
Monopoly capitalism
Advanced stage of capitalism
Few large companies dominate industries
Molly maguires
Secret labor organization in 19th century pennsylvania coal mines
Accused of violent resistance against owners
Railroad imperialism
Use of railroad expansion to control economies
Company issues currency in company towns
Pinkertons detective agency
Private security force hired to break strikes and suppress labor movements
Colonialism, imperialism, and resistance
Control and exploitation of one country by another
Control and exploitation of one country by another
Political, economic, and military domination
Settler colonial state
System where settlers establish permanent control
Colonies of rule
Colonies where ruling power governs through local elites
Colonial monoculture
Producing single cash crop for export
Doctrine of discovery
Legal concept that justified colonization through christianity
Privatization of common lands
Continuation of colonial like control after formal independence
Haitian revolution (1791-1804)
Successful revolution of enslaved people against french rule
Led to first black republic
Communities of escaped enslaved people
Internal colony
Marginalized communities in a nation that are exploited like a colony
Turtle island
North America
Power, Ideology, and Social Structures
Dominance of one group over another
Maintained through cultural means
Historical materialism
Marxist theory
Economic structures shape social and political life
Great man theory
History is shaped by extraordinary individuals not social forces
Sociological imagination
Concept by C. Wright Mills
Encourages understanding personal experiences in relation to social structures
moral suasion
the use of moral and ethical arguments to change another individuals behavior
Oppression, Dispossession and Resistance
Forcibly removing people from their land and resources
Triplets of systemic violence
How oppression operates through structural, direct and cultural violence
Primitive accumulation
Capitalists acquire wealth through dispossession
Sullivan-clinton campaign (1779)
Military campaign against Haudenosaunee
Bartolemeo de las Casas
Notable figure advocating for the rights of Indigenous peoples during the colonial period.
Social Theories and Functions
Biological determinism
Social and cultural differences are rooted in biology
Cyclical crises
Economic crises that occur due to contradictions in capitalism
Latent functions
Unintended social effects of an institution or action
Manifest functions
The intended functions of an institution
Structural functionalism
Theory that views society as a complex system with parts that work together