Russian Revolution (1917) Socialism = the belief that the economy should be controlled by society, either directly or through the government Nicholas ll became czar in 1884 Russo-Japanese War (1904) = defeat for Russia in this war led to political istability Russia in WW 1 Suffered harsh defeats Shortages of both food and weapons Alexandra = Czar Nicholas ll’s wife Both the Czar and his wife = very unpopular because they were politically incompetent and foolish The March Revolution of 1917 Czar Nicholas ll abdicted (gave up) his power on March 15, 1917 Provisional Government = temporary central government in Russia after the Czar stepped down Russian masses wanted 3 things:
Immediate peace and withdrawl from WW1
Transfer of land to the peasants
Control of factories by workers Bolsheviks = radical revolutionary group in Russia Wanted a socialist society in Russia Led by Vladimir Lenin Slogan = “Peace, Land, and bread!” Russian Revolution November 1917 Bolsheviks claimed absolute power Bolshevik Party = officially renamed the Communist Party in March 1918 Lenin’s 1st order of business = get Russia out of WW1
Russian Civil War 1918 - 1921 Communists vs their political opponents From 1914 - 1921 = 27 million Russians had died 1922 = Russia becomes USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics = the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin Ruled the Sviet Union from 1929 - 1953 By 1900 = Europeans and people with European ancestry largely controlled the entrie world through their formal empires or informal influence Itallian Unification 1st King of United Italy = Victor German Unification Last Major European power to unify Otto Van Bismark = Prime Minister of Prussia Wanted strong government and army → Unification would comes through “blood and iron” Unified in 1871 1st Kaiser = Wilhelm l Main Causes of WW1 Miliarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism European = Imperialist rivalries since 1800s Nationalism had unified Germany and Italy and was becoming more and more popular In Austrian Empire = Nationalism was creating the most violent tensions in Europe Many Slavic people = in the Balkins = region once controlled by the Ottoman Empire Militarism = glorification and expansion of the military Alliance systems = Defense agreements among nations 2 Major Aliiance Systems:
Triple Alliance = Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Italy
Triple Entente = Great Britain, Russia, and France The Spark of WW1 June 28, 1914 = Archduke Francis Ferdinand was assassinated July 28, 1914 = A-H declared war on Serbia Germany gave Russia and France an ultimatum = stop mobilizing or face war August 1914 = Germany invades Belgium in order to get France This led Great Britain to declare war on Germany Response of the People People in every country responded with patriotic enthusiam Worldwide Involvement = First time in world history that all major nations were involved in a war Naval warfare = battles between the British and German navies were common Germans used U-boats = submarines
New weapons = Machine guns, Tanks, Airplanes, Poison Gas Trench Warfare Febraury 6, 2023 Used on the Western Front Complex System of trenches and tunnels The space between the trenches = “No Mans’s Land” WW1 became a war of attrition = tryin to wear down the other side with constant attacks WW1 = “Total War” Total war = countries invloved used every resource available for the war effort On the home front = people mobilized resources for the military front In WW1 = 2 Theaters Western and Eastern Front Schlieffen Plan = Germany’s military plan to avoid war on 2 fronts Plan = go into France through Belgium and conquer France, THEN turn back around through Germany to get to Russia Stelemete on the Western Front Both sides continuedto fight with neother side making any real progress Verdun - February 1916 Each side had more than 500,00 Casualties The Somme - July 1916 1.1 Milioin left dead July of 1918 The US sent 2 million American troops to help the French there Fresh Americans = deciding factor in the war The Eastern Front Didn’t use trench warfare 1914 -1917 = Russia continued to suffer harsh defeats by the german armies 1917 = the US declared war on Germany Germans used unrestricted submarine warfare = subs attacked without warning and attacked commerical ships also Subs = “U-boats” 1915 =a U-boat sank an American passenger liner = the Lusitania 1200 killed - 128 Americans The Zimmerman Telegram Said that if Mexico supported Germany in the War, then Germany would help Mexico get land it lost to the US in the Mexician - American War US believed the world would be a better place if the Allies won Significance of the US in WW1 Marked America’s emergance as a world power →evenually led to world leadership November 9, 1918 = Kaiser abdicted and a German republic was proclaimed November 11, 1918 = Germans signed an armistice = agreement to end the fighting