Pharm text book Chapters 6-8

  • Pediatric Consideration: Research related to pediatric patients is limited because of several factors. Research risks and obtaining informed consent make it difficult to recruit a pedatric sample.

  • PATIENT SAFETY: preventing drug administratoin errors in pediatric pharmocolgy; owing to developmentl fctors nd smaller body size infnts and your chcildren my recieve drug doages much different from those of adults

  • use the correct drug and procedure to ensure sfe dosing dilutions defferent concentrations nd different solutions of a perscribed drugcan complainacate admin

  • Pharmacokinetics: may be defined as the study of the time course of drug absorption, distr

  • absorption: the degree and rate of drug absorption are based on factores such as age, health status weight and route of administration.

  • in contrast poor nutritional habits changes in physicaal maturity aand hormonla differences durinmg the adolencent years may cause slowing of drug absorption. hydration status presence of underlying disease and GI disorders in the child may be signifant factors in the absorption of drugs.

  • Renal excretion is the presominat means for drug elimination nurses must carefully monitor renal function, urine flow, and drug effectivness to evaluate of drug administration on patient status.

  • Pharmacodynamics: refers to the mechanism of action and effects of a drug on the body and includes the onset peak and duration of effect of a drug it can also be desbed as the intensity and time course of theaputic and adverse effects of drugs.

  • a key nursing role is to monitor the patient for therapetuc effect and adverse reactions.

  • Dosage form for pediatric age groups:

  • Neonate (0-4 weeks): indication dependent

  • infants (1 month-2 years): liquids small volumes

  • Children (2-5 years): liquids effervesent tablets disperesed in liquids sprinkles on food

  • Children (6-11 years): solids (chewable tablets oral films

  • Adolescents: (12-18 years): solids typical adult dosage forms

  • drugs for pediatic patients are ordered based on either the childs weight in kilograms or body surface area dosing must also consider the indiviudials child's staus including age organ function health and route of administraiton.

  • Another consideration for nurses on drug admin with pediatic patients is the developmental and congintive differences must always be considered in pediatric drug administration it is important for the nurse to differeiate the child;s devlopmetla age from chronologic age

  • Family centered care; is essential to ensuring safety during and after health care interventions teaching is directed towward both family members or caregivcers and patients.

  • Principle of Atramatic care; is the philosophy of providing therapeutic care through the use of interventions that elimate or minimiza the psyological and physical distress expereicnced by children and families

  • adolescent patients need individulized nursing care specfic to their developmental stage // physical cognitive level and ablities emotional factors and effect of chonic illness. many childrens with chonic ilnesses require dosage adjustments

  • family and patient teaching is a key role for the nurse.

  • Drug Therapy in Older Adults:

  • Start low and go slow

  • Administration of drugs in the older adult population requires special attention to age related factors that influence drug absorption, dustrubituion , metabolism anexcrtion.

  • drug dosages is adjusted accoring to the older adult's weight and lab results

  • its usually suggested that drugs for older adults should be initially be percribed at low doages with a gradual increase in doasge based on therapeudfic responses.

  • physologcical changes associated with aging can influence absorption distubutuion metablism and excretion of drugs as well as pharmalogic codynamic responses at receptions and target organs

  • Absorption; adults experice several GI changes with aging that may influence drug absorption

  • Distribution; aging can significantly alter drug distribution (muscle mass decline 20% to 40% increase in fat- means lipid soluble drugs have a greater volume of distrubution.)

  • Metabolism; hepatic blood flow in the older adult may be dcreases by 40% aging also results in a 15% to 30% dcrease in livedr size and a reduction in cytochrome enzyme activty.

  • Renal ecrection of drugs dcrease with age (kindney function)

  • Pharmcodynamics; result of chnages in the number of receptor sites which affects the affinity of cetain drugs most clearly seen in the cardiovascular system and CNS

  • Polypharmcy refers to the use of more medications than is medically necessary. there is a little agreeemtn on the actual number of drugs that consitutes poly pharmacy.

  • Adherence; to a drug regimen is a problem for all patient age groups but it is especially troublesome in older adult patients older adults may fail to ask questions during interactions with health care providers whcih leads to the drug regimen not being fully understood or precesely followed.

  • Drugs in Substance Use disorder:

  • Substance use disorder occurs when the recurrent use of alochol and/ or drugs causes clinically and functionally significant impariment such as healh problems diablity and failure to meet major responsiblities at work school or home substance use disorder.

  • Dehydropiandrosterone (DHEA) a precursor to testosterone and estrogen can be found in many dietary supplements many people take supplements that contain DEHEA in the belief that it will slow aging.

  • patients with substance use disorder are at high risk for drug interactions ortoperative complicatoins, and death when surgery is required.

  • when patients expeerience pain the goal is to treat the pain

  • impaired control; diminished ablity of an individual to control his or her use of a drug in terms of onset level or termination

  • relapse; a return to drug use after a period of abstince often accopined by reinstsment of substance use disorder

  • opioids; are controlled substances legally perscribed to treat moderate to severe pain
