

  • Warm welcome and check-in with students about the day.

  • Announcement of events: Women's History Month celebration at the Lafayette campus in DeValt Court Building, starting at 10 AM.

  • Reminder: Importance of student events, especially for those on campus.


  • Feedback: Students notified about analysis notes and thesis feedback.

  • Importance of reviewing feedback:

    • Generally positive feedback highlighted.

    • Suggestions for revisions and deeper analysis discussed, including rhetorical elements like ethos.

  • Emphasis on the necessity for a detailed analysis in the essays, moving beyond surface-level observations.

Focus for Today's Class

  • Main focus: Developing body sections of the essay.

  • No assignments due during class today, but there is an upcoming assignment for Friday.

  • Reminder to check the weekly course activities page on Canvas for updates if absent.

Body Paragraph Development

  • Importance of the body of the essay as the primary section where students will do most of their analytical work.

  • Resources available on Canvas including:

    • Developing Essay #2 PowerPoint.

    • Example rhetorical analysis essays for reference.

  • Type of example essays to analyze: some strong, some needing improvement.

Outline Strategies

  • Reminder: There is no single correct way to organize the essay; flexibility is encouraged.

  • Possible approaches:

    • Analyzing each ad individually.

    • Comparing and contrasting ads directly within paragraphs.

  • Consideration of audience in discussing rhetorical elements to avoid repetitive presentations in separate paragraphs.

Detailed Outlining Techniques

  • Introduction to creating brief and detailed outlines.

  • Purpose of outlines: Structuring thoughts and ensuring clarity in analytical writing.

  • Encouragement for students to plan roughly how they want to develop body paragraphs.

Writing Body Paragraphs

  • Crucial points while writing body paragraphs:

    • Include details and evidence from the advertisements to support analyses.

    • Importance of illustrating how rhetorical techniques like pathos and logos are executed in ads.

  • Students encouraged to show their reasoning in essays, enhancing clarity for the reader.

  • Outline reminders:

    • Avoid excessive summaries of ads; provide analytical depth instead.

    • Reference to the limitations on the number of outside sources allowed (maximum of two).

Use of Outside Sources

  • Primary focus on student analysis without excessive reliance on external commentary.

  • Outside sources may be used only to provide cultural context or background information about the ads being analyzed, not to contribute to rhetorical analysis directly.

Characteristics of Strong Body Paragraphs

  • Use of effective topic sentences to preview paragraph focus.

  • Necessary balance between evidence presentation and analysis throughout paragraphs:

    • Evidence must be clear and specific (e.g., colors, imagery).

    • Analysis should link these elements back to the rhetorical strategies employed.

Example Analysis of Body Paragraphs

  • Break down the components of example body paragraphs:

    • Balancing evidence (highlighted in yellow) and analysis (in blue).

    • Importance of a structured approach in presenting evidence followed by an analysis of that evidence.

  • Two examples analyzed:

    • Successful identification of pathos with connections made to audience engagement.

    • Importance of clarity and consistency in referencing ads, ensuring the reader knows which ad is being discussed.

Expectations for Upcoming Assignment

  • Students to draft one body paragraph and provide a brief outline of their essays.

  • Emphasis on using feedback received to refine this draft.

  • Reminder to highlight evidence and bold topic sentences in submissions for clarity in review.


  • Students reminded of the upcoming focus on effectiveness evaluations in paragraphs during the next class.

  • Open invitation for questions and clarification ahead of assignments.
