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Psychology test: Chapter 3

Sensation: the activation of the sense organs by a source of physical energy (sensing a bright light, sound, or a pinch)

Perception: the sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimulus involving the sense organs and brain (eating a hot pepper or a sour patch kid)

Sensation and perception changes out body behavior, therefore psychologists study it

Telepathy: the term used to describe the ability to read other people’s minds

Stimulus: energy that produces a response

  • light is energy and can cause you to squint

  • gust of wind causes you to lose balance

Absolute threshold: minimum stimulation level an organism needs to sense a stimulus

  • lowest hearing point, can range from 20-30 db

Sensory adaption: where the body adjusts to external stimuli over time

  • exposed to perfume for an extended time can make u nose blind

Visual spectrum: humans can see very little

Five senses:

  1. touch

  2. taste

  3. hear

  4. smell

  5. sight

ESP (Extra- Sensory Perception): belief that some people have knowledge of information that is not gained through the senses

Examples of ESP:

  • Telepathy - mental transfer of information from one person to another

  • Clairvoyance - medium (communicate with the dead) or finding lost people

  • Pre-Cognition - predicting future events

  • Intuition and Deja-vu - gut feeling/feeling that something has happened

Peripheral vision: important for balance, safety (driving), sports

Tunnel vision: fear causes narrowing of the blind spot

Rods and Cones

  • Rods: microscopic structures in the eye that help you see in the dark

  • Cones: microscopic structures that help you see color

Light and Dark adaption

  • Light adaption: eyes adapting to bright light

  • Dark adaption: eyes adapting to a dark environment

  • our eyes can adapt quicker to a bright light then a dark environment

What happens when you have fewer or no cones?

  • Protanopia: blindness to the color red

  • Deuteranopia: blindness to the color green

  • Tritanopia: blindness to blue and yellow

  • Acromatopsia: color blind
    Memorize cornea, lens, blind spot, and optic nerve

The Gender Gap

  • average person can see 7 million colors

  • 1/50 men are colorblind

  • 1/5000 women are colorblind

Afterimage: an image that you seem to see when you are no longer looking at it or when it is no longer there


  • women are more attractive to deeper voices in men

  • men are more attractive to high voices

  • women can match faces with voices better than men

  • women cannot determine the height, weight, age, and social class by listening to someone’s voice


  • pheromone: natural occurring chemicals in the body released into the environment

  • flashbulb memory: a memory is triggered when one of the senses. this memory is so memorable because it was surprising, unexpected, and/or unusual

  • how smell impacts behavior:

    • it chooses where u want to go to eat

    • it chooses whether or not u want to stay in the room

  • women have a better sense of smell

    • mothers can identify their babies by a scent

    • woman who live together get synced menstrual cycles

  • it impacts attraction

    • women prefer the smell of men with different immune system

    • children would receive genetic coding of both parents and would therefore have a stronger immune system


  • Gate control theory: the theory that we can “open” and “close” the gate to pain using either artificial methods, learned methods, or natural methods

  • Artificial: pain medicines, magnets, surgery

    • these methods only mask the pain

  • Learned: lamaze, yoga, hypnosis, martial arts, acupuncture, suction cups, barney bandaid

  • Natural: release of endorphin adrenaline during stressful moments

    • fight or flight response


Psychology test: Chapter 3

Sensation: the activation of the sense organs by a source of physical energy (sensing a bright light, sound, or a pinch)

Perception: the sorting out, interpretation, analysis, and integration of stimulus involving the sense organs and brain (eating a hot pepper or a sour patch kid)

Sensation and perception changes out body behavior, therefore psychologists study it

Telepathy: the term used to describe the ability to read other people’s minds

Stimulus: energy that produces a response

  • light is energy and can cause you to squint

  • gust of wind causes you to lose balance

Absolute threshold: minimum stimulation level an organism needs to sense a stimulus

  • lowest hearing point, can range from 20-30 db

Sensory adaption: where the body adjusts to external stimuli over time

  • exposed to perfume for an extended time can make u nose blind

Visual spectrum: humans can see very little

Five senses:

  1. touch

  2. taste

  3. hear

  4. smell

  5. sight

ESP (Extra- Sensory Perception): belief that some people have knowledge of information that is not gained through the senses

Examples of ESP:

  • Telepathy - mental transfer of information from one person to another

  • Clairvoyance - medium (communicate with the dead) or finding lost people

  • Pre-Cognition - predicting future events

  • Intuition and Deja-vu - gut feeling/feeling that something has happened

Peripheral vision: important for balance, safety (driving), sports

Tunnel vision: fear causes narrowing of the blind spot

Rods and Cones

  • Rods: microscopic structures in the eye that help you see in the dark

  • Cones: microscopic structures that help you see color

Light and Dark adaption

  • Light adaption: eyes adapting to bright light

  • Dark adaption: eyes adapting to a dark environment

  • our eyes can adapt quicker to a bright light then a dark environment

What happens when you have fewer or no cones?

  • Protanopia: blindness to the color red

  • Deuteranopia: blindness to the color green

  • Tritanopia: blindness to blue and yellow

  • Acromatopsia: color blind
    Memorize cornea, lens, blind spot, and optic nerve

The Gender Gap

  • average person can see 7 million colors

  • 1/50 men are colorblind

  • 1/5000 women are colorblind

Afterimage: an image that you seem to see when you are no longer looking at it or when it is no longer there


  • women are more attractive to deeper voices in men

  • men are more attractive to high voices

  • women can match faces with voices better than men

  • women cannot determine the height, weight, age, and social class by listening to someone’s voice


  • pheromone: natural occurring chemicals in the body released into the environment

  • flashbulb memory: a memory is triggered when one of the senses. this memory is so memorable because it was surprising, unexpected, and/or unusual

  • how smell impacts behavior:

    • it chooses where u want to go to eat

    • it chooses whether or not u want to stay in the room

  • women have a better sense of smell

    • mothers can identify their babies by a scent

    • woman who live together get synced menstrual cycles

  • it impacts attraction

    • women prefer the smell of men with different immune system

    • children would receive genetic coding of both parents and would therefore have a stronger immune system


  • Gate control theory: the theory that we can “open” and “close” the gate to pain using either artificial methods, learned methods, or natural methods

  • Artificial: pain medicines, magnets, surgery

    • these methods only mask the pain

  • Learned: lamaze, yoga, hypnosis, martial arts, acupuncture, suction cups, barney bandaid

  • Natural: release of endorphin adrenaline during stressful moments

    • fight or flight response