
The Great War


  • Often referred to as "The War to End All Wars."

Causes of World War I

Key Factors

  • Militarism: Belief that national power is based on military strength; increased arms race due to industrialization.

    • Large, advanced armies developed.

    • Difficulty settling disputes peacefully.

  • Alliances: Nations formed alliances to avoid fighting alone.

    • Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy.

    • Triple Entente: England, France, Russia.

    • Alliances created tension instead of security.

  • Imperialism: Competition for colonial expansion.

    • Austria-Hungary's interest in Bosnia angered Serbia.

  • Nationalism: Strong patriotic feelings and desires for revenge.

    • The "Hymn of Hate" exemplified German nationalism against England.

Nationalism's Role

  • Created pride but also division.

  • Balkan region was tense, with nations breaking from the Ottoman Empire to form new identities (e.g., Yugoslavia).

  • Austria-Hungary opposed Slavic nationalism.

Prelude to War

Major Events Leading Up to WWI

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand: June 28, 1914.

    • Conducted by Gavrilo Princip, part of a pro-Serbian plot.

  • Ultimatum from Austria-Hungary to Serbia: July 23, 1914.

    • Serbia's failure to comply led to war declaration on July 28, 1914.

The War Begins

Escalation of Conflict

  • Russia supported Serbia, declaring war on Germany and Austria-Hungary.

  • Germany supported Austria-Hungary, declaring war on Russia.

  • France pledged support for Russia, leading Germany to declare war on France.

  • Germany invaded Belgium, which prompted Great Britain to declare war on Germany.

The Schlieffen Plan

  • Objective: Quickly defeat France before turning to Russia.

  • Included an encircling movement through Belgium.

  • Underestimated British mobilization speed.

Two Fronts of War

  • WWI was characterized by fighting on both the Western and Eastern Fronts.

  • Battle of the Marne: Sept 6-10, 1914.

    • Key strategic victory for Allies, stopping German advance on Paris.


Major Powers

  • Triple Entente:

    • Great Britain, France, Russia

  • Triple Alliance:

    • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Global Nature of the War

Worldwide Involvement

  • Countries outside Europe became involved.

  • Japan entered war against Germany, targeting colonies in Asia.

  • The United States joined in 1917 supporting Allies.

  • Contribution of troops from colonies (e.g., India, Canada, Australia).


  • Review the vocabulary and geography of WWI.

  • Practice map-based learning.

  • Reflect on MAIN causes of the war.
