Fiduciary Law
Settlor::A person who creates a trust such as a living trust to be operative during his lifetime
Fiduciary::An individual or trust institution charged with the duty of acting for the benefit of another party as to matters coming within the scope of the relationship between them
Corpus::The principal or capital of an estate as distinguished from the income
Executor::An individual or trust institution nominated in a will and appointed by a court to settle the estate of a testator
Trustee::An individual or trust institution that holds legal title to property for the benefit of someone else
SImple Trust::A trust that requires all income to be distributed on an annual basis
Abatement::An equal reduction of benefits to beneficiaries when an estate is not large enough to pay each beneficiary in full
Revocable Trust::A trust which by its terms may be terminated by the settlor or by another person
Personal Property::All property NOT deemed real property
Testamentary Trust::A trust established by terms of a will
Intestate::To die without leaving a valid will
Complex Trust::Trusts that allow accumulation of income and distribute income on a discretionary basis
Defective::Often used to get a lower tax result then a complex trust would have otherwise by taxing an individual rather than the trust
Codicil::An amendment or supplement to a will, it must be executed with all the formalities of the will itself
Grantor Trust::A trust in which the grantor retains such power over the trust or is given such power over a trust that all items of income and deduction are attributed to the person rather than the trust
Trust::The property held in trust which can be virtually anything
Express Trust::A trust stated orally or in writing with the terms of the trust definitely prescribed
Implied Trust::A trust created by operation of law or by judicial construction to be distinguished from an express trust which is created by express language oral or in writing
Irrevocable Trust::A trust which by its terms cannot be revoked by the settlor
Holographic::A will entirely in the handwriting of the testator
Express Trust::A trust stated orally or in writing with the terms of the trust definitely prescribed
Adeemed::Revoking a gift mentioned in a will by destruction or selling or giving away the gift before death