Sexual Development and Diversity

- knowledge of sexual development

- Participatory observations

- Interview of children age 5 and older

- Focus on sexual behaviour

- Ambiguous definitions --> not sexual to kids, just playing

- Comparing male and female sexual behaviour

- Only found 4 small differences:

- Men watch porn more often

- Men masturbate more often

- Men report more sex partners

- Men are more interested in one-night stands

- Early sexual development:

- 0-4 yrs: discovering your body

- 4-6 yrs Learning about social rules, first friendships

- 7-9 yrs: shame fantasies and first infatuation

- 10-15 yrs puberty

- Personal sexual development:

- Parents and friends

- School

- Religious community

- Sport and other social clubs

- Working environment

- Etnicity

- Physical & mental health

- Sexuality education

- Principles Comprehensive Sexuality Education

- Age appropriate

- Based on human right

- Based on scientific facts

- Based on peoples needs

- Postive approach of sexuality

- Gender equality

- Viewing children and young peole as sexual beings

- Culturally sensitive

- Logical sequence of themes in a bio-psycho-social approach

- Facilatators are capable to address sensitive issues
