Importance of retaining key messages and reminders for communications.
Consider the applicable contextual forces.
Understand the situation surrounding communication.
Determine the audience.
Analyze who the message is intended for.
Envision the purpose and select an appropriate channel and medium.
Identify the primary goal behind the message and the best way to convey it.
Adapt the message to the audience's needs and concerns.
Tailor the content based on audience analysis.
Organize the message.
Structure the message logically and clearly.
Prepare the first draft.
Start writing the initial version of the message.
Organizational Culture: A set of values, norms, and assumptions that guide behavior within an organization.
Decision-making processes.
Interpersonal treatment.
Definitions of right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable behavior.
Dimensions | Types |
Flexibility & Discretion | Clan |
Internal Focus & Integration | Adhocracy |
Stability & Control | Hierarchy |
External Focus & Differentiation | Market |
Instant Messaging
Telephone calls
Economic levels
Educational backgrounds
Cultural context
Rapport and expectations
Identify central ideas and arrange them logically.
Benefits include:
Accuracy and brevity.
Saves time on structuring ideas.
Provides psychological clarity.
Determine the central idea.
Establish what core message to communicate.
Predict audience reaction.
Use either a deductive or inductive approach.
Select a suitable outline.
Align with the predicted audience response.
Understand distinctions between academic and business writing.
Techniques for effective introductions, coherent paragraphs, and concise sentences.
Create visually appealing documents to grab attention and enhance comprehension.
Identify readability factors and revise accordingly.
Revise and proofread for clarity, organization, style, tone, and mechanics.
Enjoyable and stylistically emphasized.
Audience consists predominantly of well-educated individuals.
Focuses on mechanical correctness.
Lengthy paragraphs and complex sentences.
Purpose is to inform.
Concise and straightforward.
Audience varies widely; focuses on practical outcomes.
Clarity supersedes grammatical correctness.
Uses shorter paragraphs and simpler language.
Purposes include informing, persuading, and establishing goodwill.
Tone is personable and often uses first- and second-person pronouns.
View situations from the audience’s perspective.
Revise documents iteratively for improvements.
Be open to feedback for further enhancements.
Position topic sentences effectively.
Use deductive or inductive structures based on the context.
Link ideas for coherence:
Utilize repetition, pronouns, and linking words.
Ensure paragraphs are unified and maintain a variation in length.
Use active voice for clarity and persuasion.
Passive voice can obscure the doer and emphasize the action.
Utilize repetition and strategic formatting.
Use enumerated lists or bullet points.
Incorporate headings, tables, and relevant images to aid comprehension.
Long sentences with complex structures.
Example: Detailed travel card information without segmentation...
Shorter, clearer sentences with bullet points for details.
Avoid outdated expressions and clichés.
Use simple language and reduce jargon.
Maintain all expressions and words relevant to the intended audience.
Craft clear, coherent written messages expediently.
Apply visual enhancements to improve appeal.
Focus on revising tone, style, and eliminating errors through proofreading.
Apply ethical dimensions of business behavior to two cases.
Provide rationale for reasoning and dimensions.
Follow specified formatting and content guidelines.
Be concise.
Provide all necessary information.
Be direct in communication.
Adapt the message based on audience needs.
Be specific in detail.
Eliminate clichés.
Use correct language for companies.
Ensure grammatical accuracy.
Use proper in-text citation formats.
Revise meticulously.
Utilize spell-check and proofreading methods.
Review layout and format before finalizing.
Chapter 5: Communicating Electronically
Chapter 6: Delivering Good- and Neutral-News Messages
Ethics Assignment Review