Grammar (Noelle) Complete
Adjective *(word phrase naming attribute)
Adverb *(modifies an adjective or verb, Ex. Arrived early)
Appositive *(Noun phrase followed by another noun phrase to provide extra information)
Punctuation *(used to add emotion at the conclusion of a sentence)
Infinitive *( the word to followed by a verb, Ex I want to eat very quickly)
Complementary Infinitive *(Infinitive used with a verb (sometimes whose meaning is not felt to be complete), Ex. She began to study Russian)
Noun *(person, place or thing)
Pronoun *(refer to someone or something)
Plural pronouns *(refers to more than one person, place or thing. Ex. them, they, their and us)
Antecedent pronouns *(Noun or noun substitute that a pronoun refers to)
Verb *(action)
Simple subject *(key word that tells whom or what the sentence is about)
Compound sentence *(a sentence with more than one subject or predicate)
Complex sentence *(Composed of two simple sentences)
Compound VS Complex *(Compound-two or more independent clauses conjoined by conjunction, Complex - subordinate clause followed by one or more clauses)
Simple sentence *(One independent clause)
Correct usage “neither” *(neither lies before the first of two options)
Their Vs Her *(Their - non specific pronoun, Her - Pronoun specific to a person)
Who/Whom *(If replaceable by he or she who, If replaceable by him or her whom.)
Language Arts (Seth)
Atlas *(reference book; maps)
Analogy *(comparison of 2 things)
Short story *(read in one sitting)
Argumentative writing *(Investigative paragraph on a topic)
Persuasive writing *(An author tries to convince the other side)
Theme *(
Literature (Seth)
Spelling (Grant)
Abbreviations *( A shortened form of word or phrase)
Homonyms *( Two or more words that are spelled the same but have the same meaning )
Nationalities *( The status of belonging to a particular nation )
Vocabulary (Noelle) Complete
GB *(Gigabyte)
MB *(Megabyte)
KB *(Kilobyte)
TB *(Terabyte)
Eggcorn *(a word/phrase that results from a mishearing or misinterpretation of another)
Return to country of birth *(repatriation)
Not Moving/paper *(stationary)
Bangle *(Pakistan)
Boondocks *(American expression, from Filipino word)
Castanets *(Spain)
Emoji *(Japan)
Mammoth *(southern and eastern Africa)
Slalom *(United Kingdoms)
Yogurt *(Mesopotamia)
Zombie *(Brazil)
Current Events (Rylie) COMPLETE
Important Events:
Russia invades Ukraine; Feb. 24, 2022 *(Ukraine invasion)
Current Dalai Lama *(Tenzin Gyatso)
46th/current U.S president *(Joseph Biden)
Current Pakistan Prime Minister *(Shahbaz Sharif)
Current Russian President *(Vladimir Putin)
Largest Underwater volcano *(Tamu Massif)
Economics (Rylie) COMPLETE
Interest; money that gains more through interest; A = P(1 + r/n)^nt *(Compound Interest)
Interest; borrowers pay lenders for loan; SI = P × R × T *(Simple interest)
Economy all over the world *(Global economy)
Gives workers freedom to join labor *(Right-to work-laws)
Economic/Political system; collective ownership *(Socialism)
Real Estate:
Loan for purchasing home/land *(Mortgage Loan)
Legal Right to property/assets. *(Lien)
Selling stock you don’t own *(Short Sale)
Local law; governs property *(Zoning)
Rate of increase of prices over time *(Inflation)
Health insurance; health services *(Medicare)
“Financially Stable” *(Above Water)
Economic increase *(Boom)
Economic decrease after boom *(Bust)
U.S. Geography (Nikki) Complete
Locations & names
Colorado plateau. *(centered at the 4 corners, located in a immense basin and surrounded by highlands)
Golden Spike. *(is a golden spike connecting Central Pacific Railroad to the Union Pacific Railroad, was driven in by Leland Stanford.)
National Parks
Yellowstone. *(located in Wyoming, Idaho, and Montano is one of the largest active volcanoes in the world.)
Rivers, Seas, and Oceans
Chesapeake Bay. *(Rivers that contribute to it are the Susquehanna River , the Potomac River, and the James River.)
State Borders
States that border Louisiana. *(Arkansas, Texas, and Mississippi Gulf of Mexico,)
States that border Maryland. *(Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia.)
U.S. History (Nikki) Complete
American Revolution
First winter; encampment *(Valley Forge)
1607; 104 men arrived in North America to start settlement. *(Jamestown)
Maryland. *(George Calvert, 1st Baltimore Baron gave the idea for Maryland Province, but his son Ceilius Calvert, 2nd, Baron founded Maryland on June 20, 1632.)
Plymouth Colony. *(the first permanent English colony in New England from 1620)
Rhode Island founder/ year. *(Roger Williams; 1636)
First 7 presidents. *(George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, Andrew, Jackson, Martin Van Buren.)
Civil War
American Colonization society. *(American organization founded in 1816 by Robert Finley to encourage and support the repatriation of freeborn people of color.)
NAACP. *(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.)
Westward Expansion
Indian Removal law. *(Gave president's power to negotiate removal treaties with Indians living east of the Mississippi.)
World War I and II
Francis Perkins. *(FDR’s Secretary of Labor and first woman to serve as a cabinet secretary.)
National Holidays
Flag day. *(June 14)
Labor day. *(First Monday of each September.)
Martin Luther King Jr. *(Third Monday of every January.)
Veterans day. *(November 11)
Benjamin Franklin. *(One signer of the Declaration of Independence and invented the lightning rod.)
Nat Turner. *(A black person who led a revolt who killed at least 55 people and was captured for nearly 2 months.)
Major Martin Delany. *(known for being the first black field officer in the United States Army.)
U.S. Law (Grant) complete
Executive Branch
Executive Term Length. *(4 years)
Legislative Branch
Speaker of the house. *(Mike Johnson)
Legislative Term Length. *(2 years)
Judicial Branch
U.S. court of Appeals *(reviews descions and procedures of a trial, make sure it was fair)
U.S. Constituion
19th Ammenment *(womens suffrage, allows them to vote)
Electoral College *(Selecting electors, and counting electoral votes by congress)
National Elections Date *(Tuesday after the first monday in november)
Brady Bill *(Liscnesed importer, wait 5 days before selling handgun)
Gubernatorial *(relating to state governor, or office of state governor)
Habeas Corpus *(you should have the body)
Pro Bono *(for the public good)
World Geography (Bryce) Complete
Countries, cities, Capitals
Bolivia *(country south america, andes mountains)
Ecuador *(country south america galapagos islands)
Argentina *(country South america, soccer, Mate culture, Tango)
Mongolia *(country east asia, gobi desert, altai mountains, grasslands of the steppe)
Romania *(country europe, carpathian mountains, dracula, the black sea, Danube Delta)
Berlin wall *(German democratic republic, 9 November 1989 wall came down)
Lungs of earth *(The Amazon, south america, produces 20% of earth's oxygen, slows climate change)
Patagonia *(South america, perito moreno glacier)
Yucantan peninsula *(north america, tropical rainforest, ancient home maya people)
Rivers, bays, seas, and oceans
Mouth of nile river *(Mediterranean sea, name of mouth-nile delta)
Amazon *(south america river)
Ganges *(river in india)
Mekong *(river in asia)
Thames *(river in england)
Volga *(river in russia)
Yangtze *(river in china)
GPS *(Global positioning system, space-based radio-navigation system)
World History (Camden)
1st alphabet with vowels *(the greek alphabet)
The industrial revolution *(large amounts of technology being made, some including trains and typewriters.)
The roman empire *(A nation that conquered the Mediterranean and up to the UK, collapsed due to barbarians taking over Rome, and a lack of democracy; later became the Byzantine empire.)
The middle ages *(A time period where things were the same for a while, little to no development, had many diseases, the time period when half of Europe was wiped out by the black plague.)
Age of exploration *(the time period when people went out to explore the new world (americas) improved world maps.)
Explorers, People, and leaders:
Italian-born, Spanish Explorer; Explorer of New World. *(Amerigo Vespucci)
Claud Monet *(french painter; painted the water lily pond)
Cabot *(navigator and explorer who by his voyages in 1497 and 1498 helped lay the groundwork for the later British claim to Canada.)
DeSoto *(Spanish explorer who led an expedition into the southern United States.)
Hudson *(english explored during the 17th century who disappeared in 1611)
Verrazano *(italian navigator and explorer that explored for the french)
John locke *(one of the greatest philosophers in europe at the end of the 17th century)
Thomas hobbes *(english philosopher, wrote Leviathan)
Karl Marz and Friedrich Engles *(writers of the communist manifesto)
Montesquieu *(french political philosopher; wrote The Spirit Of Laws)
John Rowls *(American political philosopher; shaped modern political theory)
Socrates and Plato *(greek philosophers)
Serfs (poor people, usually enslaved)
Greek philosopher; founding father of philosophy. (Socrates)
Parchment; (a type of paper, usually used for letters and documents.)
Algebra (Camden)
Order of operations *(PEMDAS, Parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction)
Equation for miles *(divide the number of feet by 5,280)
Evaluate; 100 X 20 +-6 *(194)
Factor of 128 *(16)
Simplify; 32.5+16.23/11.5, round to the nearest whole number *(34)
Natural log of E *(1)
If 12x +17=41, what is the value of X *(X=2)
If 8x2+11=587, what is the value of X *(X=3)
Geometry (Max)
Logic (Skyli)
James’s order in his family; 5 in the family older than sally, younger than bill, bill is younger than Joe, joe is the second oldest. *(second youngest or 4th)
Identify what day of the week would September 11th land on in 2010 if the year before it was on a Friday? *(Saturday)
Identify the number of ways you can line up 8 players. *(40320)
Numeric Expressions & Arithmetic (Tyson)
Solve the following, 50 / 2.5. (20)
Find the next 2 numbers in the number sequence, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 14, 22, 36, , . (58, 94)
Find the square root of the following numbers, 144, 100, 4, and 9. (12, 10, 2, 3)
Find the cube root of 64. (4)
Turn 9/12 into a decimal. (0.75)
Identify the intersection of sets if A has the numbers, 4, 7, 9, 2, 3, and 1. B has the numbers 1, 5, 2, 7, 3, 9. (2, 3, 7, 9)
Find the reciprocal of 9. (1/9)
Identify the term for a number that is positive. (Positive integer)
Probability, Permutations & Combinations (Tyson)
Word Problems (Skyli)
Identify how long it will take for John and Sally to paint a room if John can paint a room in 6 hours and Sally can paint the same room in 3? *(2 hours)
Earth Science (Bryce)
time period between 145.5 and 65.5 million years ago (Cretaceous)
first geological period of the Paleozoic Era; lasted 53.4 million years (Cambrian)
Layers of earth:
outer, rigid layer; contains crust and upper mantle (Lithosphere)
Upper mantle; below lithosphere; convection occurs (Asthenosphere)
Semi Solid layer; 84% Earth’s total volume; 1000-3700 degrees celsius (Mantle)
Consists primarily of iron and nickel; 7200–9000℉ (Outer core)
Innermost layer; consists primarily of iron and nickel; 7200–9000℉ (Inner core)
Earth’s Biomes:
Five major biomes (aquatic, grassland, forest, desert, tundra)
Earth’s water; Consists of lakes, ponds, and wetlands, standing water, as well as rivers and streams, flowing water (Aquatic biome)
Consists of generally open and continuous, fairly flat areas of grass (Grassland biome)
Made up of trees and other woody plants (Forest biome)
the driest of all the biomes; consists of a layer of soil that can either be sandy, gravelly, or stony. (Desert biome)
treeless ecosystems where winters are long and cold, and summers are short and, usually, chilly (Tundra biome)
Rock types and layers
Fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal)
Sedimentary rock; formed with dead plant material over time (Coal)
naturally occurring sodium chloride; known as rock salt (Halite)
heavy, shiny grey metallic ore; consists of lead (Lead ore)
Fools gold; resembles gold to the untrained eye (Pyrite)
Limestone *(sedimentary rock, calcium carbonate)
Rock formed from the cooling and solidification of molten lava (Igneous)
Rock that started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original form (Metamorphic)
Weather, Climate, Atmosphere
Cirrus clouds *(Short, detcatched hair-like, high altitudes)
Cold front *(cold air mass pushes under warm air mass)
North wind *(originates in north, blows southward)
Permafrost *(ground completely frozen ≥ 2yrs)
Solstices *(sun reaches min or max declination)
Red tide *(discoloration of seawater due to red dinoflagellates)
General Science & Measurement (Max)
Life Science (AJ) [Complete]
Fibrous roots *(root system; thin branching)
Tap root *(Large root; others branch from it)
Seed parts *(Embryo, seed coat, endosperm)
Tissue surrounds seeds *(seed coat)
Seed part; becomes plant *(embryo)
Seed part; stores embryo *(endosperm)
Water zone; photosynthesis *(photic zone)
Water zone; decomposers *(aphotic zone)
Define photic *(related to light)
Define aphotic *(without light)
Lower abdomen; stores waste *(bladder)
Disease; too much sugar *(diabetes)
Below liver, stores bile *(Gallbladder)
Mouth; taste buds *(tongue)
Dormant pupa *(chrysalis)
mammal, baby attached to mom *(Placental mammals)
Seabed filter feeder *(sponge)
Baby frog *(tadpole)
Only meat *(Carnivore)
Only plants *(herbivore)
Plants and meat *(omnivore)
Masking adaptation *(concealing coloration)
Physical Science and Astronomy (AJ) [Complete]
Outer layer of star *(corona)
Streak of light; crashing rock *(meteor)
Moon between Earth and Sun *(New moon)
Most abundant gas: Venus *(CO2)
Most abundant gas: Earth *(N2 or Nitrogen)
Most abundant gasses: Jupiter *(Hydrogen and Helium)
Most abundant gas: Saturn *(hydrogen)
Most abundant gas: Mars *(Carbon Dioxide)
Light bands, solar activity *(aurora borealis)
Subatomic particles: Silicon *(14 protons, 14 neutrons, 14 electrons)
Subatomic particles: Zinc *(30 protons, 35 neutrons, 30 electrons)
Subatomic particles: Oxygen *(8 protons, 8 neutrons, 8 electrons)
Combined metals *(alloy)
H2O2 *(hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic)
H2O *(water)
Chemical symbol: Platinum *(Pt)
Chemical symbol: Hydrogen *(H)
Chemical symbol: Gold *(Au)
Anion definition *(negatively charged ion)
Object stays unless force *(Newton’s first law)
F = M x A *(Newton’s second law)
Every action has equal and opposite reaction *(Newton’s third law)
Sound bounces back; energy stays *(sound reflection)
Movement of electric particles *(electrical energy)
Movement energy *(kinetic energy)
Possible movement energy *(potential energy)
Light distance; one year *(light-year)
Color frequency; highest to lowest *(Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red)
Wavelength ~570-590 *(yellow light)
Wave spread around objects *(diffraction)
Two sound waves, make new *(interference)
Energy of noise *(sound energy)
Sound changes medium; bends *(refraction)
4th state of matter *(Plasma)
Uniform particle distribution *(homogeneous)
Non uniform particle distribution *(heterogeneous)
Quality; stays moving or still until acted on *(inertia)
Amount of matter *(mass)
Gravity force on object *(weight)
Speed and direction of motion *(velocity)