Antemortem: Occurring before death
Perimortem: Occurring at or near death
Postmortem: occurring after death
An autopsy is a medical exam of a body after death
Autopsies ordered by the state can be done by a county coroner, who is not necessarily a doctor. A medical examiner who does an autopsy is a doctor, usually a pathologist. Clinical autopsies are always done by a pathologist
Autopsies are done for several reasons, including the following:
When a suspicious or unexpected death occurs
When there’s a public health concern, such as an outbreak with an undetermined cause
When no doctor knows the deceased well enough to state a cause of death and to sign the death certificate
When the doctor, the family or legally responsible designee of the deceased person requests an autopsy
Autopsy procedure begins with the general and ends with the specific
1st, a visual exam of the body is done, including the organs and internal structures
Then, microscopic, chemical, and microbiological exams may be made of the organs and internal structures
All organs are removed for examination and are weighed, and a section is preserved for processing into microscopic slides
A final result is made after all the lab tests are complete
Autopsies may last 2-4 hours. The results of lab tests on samples of body fluids and tissues may take a few weeks to be returned
The manner of death can be one of 5 categories:
Sometimes it is difficult to determine the manner of death
The most common manner of death is natural
The reason for death is the cause of death (ex: death by gunshot)
The specific change in the body that brought about the cessation of life is the mechanism of death (ex: bled out due to gunshot)
The leaden- color of death
When red blood cells break down, they turn a bluish-purple
With decomposition, blood seeps down and settles in the lowest parts of a body
The discoloration that accompanies this becomes permanent after 8 hours
Warmth accelerates this process
The rigidity of death
At death, skeletal muscles cannot relax
Without oxygen, calcium accumulates in the muscles, which then become stiff
Rigor mortis starts in the eyelids and jaw muscles, moves upwards through the rest of the face, and downwards to the muscles of the chest, upper limbs, abdomen, and lower limbs
After about 15-36 hours, the muscle fibers begin to dissolve, and softening begins in the same order
Time After Death | Event | Appearance | Circumstances |
2-6 Hours | Rigor begins | Body becomes stiff and stiffness moves down body | Stiffness begins with the jaw and eyelid muscles after about 2 hours. Then the center of body stiffens and then the arms and legs |
12 Hours | Rigor complete | Peak rigor is exhibited | Entire body is rigid |
15-36 Hours | Slow loss of rigor | Loss of rigor in small muscles first followed by larger muscles | Rigor lost first in head and neck and last in bigger leg muscles |
36-48 Hours | Rigor totally disappears | Muscles become relaxed | Many variables may extend rigor beyond the normal 36 hours |
Factors Affecting Rigor | Event | Effect | Circumstances |
Temperature | Cold temperature Warm temperature | Inhibits rigor Accelerates rigor | Slower onset and slower progressionFaster onset and faster progression |
Activity Before Death | Aerobic exercise Sleeping | Accelerates rigor Slows rigor | Lack of oxygen to muscles, the buildup of lactic acid, and higher body temp accelerates rigorMuscles fully oxygenated will exhibit rigor more slowly |
Bodyweight | Obese Thin | Slows rigor Accelerates rigor | Fat stores oxygenBody loses oxygen quickly and heats faster |
The chill of death
In death a body no longer generates warmth and begins to cool down
To find the standard temperature of a corpse, a thermometer is inserted into the liver
The human body is typically 98.6 degrees F
Body heat is lost at a rate of 1.4 degrees F for the first 12 hours
Body heat is lost at a rate of .7 degrees F after the first 12 hours
The maximum loss of 16.8 degrees F can be lost during the first 12 hours
Subtract the average body temp (98.6) by the body’s new temp and if it is less than 16.8 it has been less than 12 hours since death, if more than 16.8, it has been longer than 12 hours. Then, if it has been less than 12 hours, divide the number by 1.4 and the answer is how long the body has been dead for. If it has been more than 12 hours, subtract the number by 16.8 and divide the answer by .7, then add 12 hours to the answer to find out how long the body has been dead for.
If food is present in the stomach, then death occurred 0-2 hours after the last meal
If the stomach is empty, but food is found in the small intestine, death occurred approximately 4-6 hours after the last meal
If only wastes are found in the large intestine, death occurred 12+ hours after the last meal
There is fluid within the eye called vitreous humor
A sample should be taken from one eye immediately, a second sample should be taken from the other eye an hour or two later
After death, the cells in the eye release potassium into the eye fluid
Scientists use the rate at which potassium is released to approximate the time of death
This is dependent on ambient temperature
Within two days after death:
Cell autolysis begins following death
Green/purplish staining occurs from blood decomposition
The skin takes on a marbled appearance
The face becomes discolored
After 4 days:
Skin blisters
Abdomen swells with gas as CO2 is released from intestinal bacteria
Within 6-10 days:
Corpse may burst from build up of gas
Fluids begin leaking from body openings
Eyeballs and other tissues liquify
Skin falls off
Stage | What Happens During Decomposition |
Initial Decay | Outside appearance is normal, but is starting to decompose |
Putrefaction | Odor of decaying flesh is present and the corpse appears swollen |
Black Putrefaction | Very strong odor, parts of flesh appear black, gasses escape and corpse collapses |
Butyric Fermentation | Corpse begins to dry out, flesh is mainly gone |
Dry Decay | Corpse is almost dry, decay slows significantly |
Besides recording data about the environment at a crime scene, a forensic entomologist collects insect evidence
Within minutes of a death, certain insects arrive to lay their eggs on the warm body. Blowflies are a common example
As a corpse progresses through the stages of decomposition, other kinds of insects arrive
Blowfly eggs can be found in the moist, warm areas of a corpse within 8 hours after death
They will have progressed to the 1st of their 3 larva stages within 20 hours
Around 2.5 days, they will be in their 2nd larval stage
By the 4th or 5th, they will have progressed to the 3rd of their 3 larval stages
By the 8th or 12th day the larvae will migrate away from the corpse to a dry place
Becoming a pupa and immobile within 18-24 days, they will change from white to dark brown
By the 21st -24th day, the pupa cases will split open and adult blowflies will emerge
Because scientists know how long it takes for the various stages of development at given temps, forensic entomologists can determine when the insects arrived
Because life cycles are affected by fluctuations in the daily environmental conditions, insect evidence cannot provide an exact time of death
Insect evidence, nonetheless, can yield a close estimate
In the 1800’s, scientists began studying skulls. This laid the framework for today’s knowledge
In the 1932, the FBI opened up the first crime lab
The Smithsonian Institution became its working partner in the identification of human remains
Soldiers killed in WW2 were identified using anthropologic techniques
Bones originate from osteoblasts
They migrate to the center of cartilage production and deposit minerals
Throughout life, bones are being broken down, deposited, and replaced
Osteoclasts, the 2nd type of bone cell, among other tasks, remove cellular waste
Bones are connected by:
Cartilage: wraps the ends of bones and keeps them from scraping one another
Ligaments: bands that connect two or more bones together
Tendons: connects to muscle to bone
Until about 30 years of age, bones increase in size
Deterioration after 30 can be slowed with exercise
Osteobiography tells much about a person through the study of a skeleton
The bones of a right-handed person, for example, would be slightly larger than the bones in the left arm
Forensic scientists realize bones contain a record of a physical life
Analyzing bones can reveal clues to such things as age, sex, height, and health
Male | Female |
Square eye orbits | Rounded eye orbits |
Square mandible (jaw) | V-shaped mandible |
Thick, large brow ridge | Thin, small brow ridge |
Occipital protuberance | No occipital protuberance |
Low and sloping frontal bone | High and rounded frontal bone |
Surface is rough and bumpy | Smooth surface |
Male | Female |
Less than 90 degree subpubic angle | 90 degree or greater subpubic angle |
Triangular pubis | Rectangular pubis |
Heart shaped pelvic cavity | Oval shaped pelvic cavity |
Long, narrow, and curved inward sacrum | Short, broad, and curved outward sacrum |
During life, many of the 450 bones a person has at birth grow together, finally forming 206 bones
As cartilage between them is replaced, an epiphysis line is visible
When cartilage is fully replaced, the line is no longer visible
This info can be used to approximate a skeleton’s age
By about age 21-30, the lambdoid suture will have closed
By about age 30-32, the sagittal suture will have closed
By about 48-50, the coronal suture will have closed
As human beings grow up and get older throughout life, teeth grow, change, and pass through different stages. Each of these stages has certain unique characteristics which can help determine a person’s approximate age
In some cases, the tooth stage is visible to the naked eye while in other cases a microscope or x-ray is needed
Once a tooth erupts (breaks through from the jaw bone), it starts to build two layers of hard tissue called cementum around its root each year
If a cross-section of the tooth root is examined under a microscope, these layers appear as light and dark rings, similar to tree rings
Scientists can count the number of layers and, if they add the eruption year, they will get the person’s age at death
Scientists can also preform special chemical tests on teeth to determine a person’s age
Just as age can be estimated by looking at the bones of the arms and legs, so also can an estimate of height be made
Often, the approximate height of a person can be calculated from one of those long bones even if just one is found
Sex and race will need to be taken into consideration in making the estimate
Will be given the formulas
Determination of ancestry from skeletal remains is difficult. Generally, the following characteristics can vary by ancestral groups:
Shape of eye sockets (oval, circular, square)
Absence or presence of a nasal spine
Nasal index: Ratio of width of nasal opening to the height of the opening x100
Prognathism: projection of upper jaw beyond the lower jaw
Width of face
Angulation of the jaw and face
Factors such as temperature, rainfall, and the chemicals and minerals in the soil influence the production of soil
Soil from different locations can have different characteristics (physical and chemical)
Because of this, soil analysis has been helpful in such things as linking suspects to crime scenes and locating burial sites
Dr. Hans Gross is believed to be one of the first to recognize the importance of physical evidence
His book, Criminal Investigation, written in 1893, had ground-breaking material in this science
George Popp is credited with being the first to use soil evidence to solve a crime
He linked soil samples found on a suspect with samples found at a crime scene
Soil is part of the top layer of the Earth’s crust
It contains minerals, decaying organisms, water, and air in varying amounts
Soil texture describes the size of the mineral particles that make up soil
The 3 main grain sizes are sand, silt, and clay
The 3 sub categories of soil of loam, peat, and chalk
Soils are formed in layers (horizons):
Humus, the O horizon, is made of decaying organic matter
Topsoil, the A horizon, is a mixture of humus and minerals
Sand and silt make up the E horizon
Subsoil, the B horizon, is made of clay and minerals
Broken rock, the C horizon, has very little humus horizon
Solid rock makes up the R horizon
An important chemical property of soil is whether it is acidic or basic
Materials that make up a soil are not only factors that its pH level
Rainfall can change the pH value of soil
Pollution and fertilizers can also change the pH value of soil
The pH of a soil sample can help a forensic scientist match it to other samples
The action of wind and water on rocks form sand
This may take millions of years
Because water acts as a buffer, water produces sand more slowly than wind
Wind-blown sand becomes rounded more quickly because the grains strike each other directly without a buffer
Sand from different locations contains different combinations of minerals
The most common mineral found in sand is quartz
Other minerals may be found in smaller quantities
Grains of sand may be rounded or angular depending on the amount of weathering and mineral composition of the grains
Other than quartz, mineral contents of sand can include:
Iron compounds
Sand can also be made of organic material such as coral and seashells
Continental sand and volcanic sand:
Source | Composition | Identifying Features |
Continental sand | Granite, quartz, feldspar, mica, dark minerals | Quartz |
Volcanic sand | Black basalt, dark colors, green olivine, volcanic ash | Dark color with green olivine, no quartz |
Skeletal and precipitate sand:
Source | Composition | Identifying Features |
Skeletal (biogenic) sand | Broken shells, coral, coralline, algae, sea urchin remains | Shells indicate evidence of warm water life |
Precipitate sand | Calcium carbonate | Oolithic, egg-shaped or round spheres of calcium carbonate from rocks |
Skeletal sand gives off bubbles when mixed with an acid
The presence of soil unique to a certain area can show that a victim or suspect must have been in that area
Layers of soil or sand taken from shoes or the wheels of vehicles can show a suspect was present at a series of locations
The following are useful in the examination of soil samples:
Looking at samples macroscopically
X-ray diffraction
People, vehicles, and objects leave evidence of their presence at an accident or crime scene
Patent Impressions: 2 dimensional
Latent Impressions: hidden to the naked eye
Plastic Impressions: 3 dimensional
The size of a shoeprint can tell us the size of foot of a person
The depth of a foot or shoe impression can tell something of the person’s weight
The type of shoe can tell something of the person’s job or personality
Databases contain the names of specific manufacturers, and tread patterns used to identify different types of shoes
Some factors that personalize a person’s footwear include:
The way a person walks
The surface that the person usually walks
Debris that became embedded in the tread or unique holes and cuts in the tread
Take photos ASAP
Take multiple photos of the impression from at least 2 different orientations
Place an identifying label and a ruler in position with the impression for the photo
Use oblique lighting when possible
Different methods to make latent prints visible include:
Luminol will make bloody footprints visible
Dusting the latent prints reveals an impression
Electrostatic lifting and gel lifting techniques also can capture hidden impressions
Electrostatic dusting can reveal dust left with each step and create an impression
Electrostatic charges can lift impressions from paper, carpeting, wood surfaces, linoleum, asphalt, and concrete
Other methods to recover latent impressions include gel lifters
These methods can provide information about the person who left the shoeprint
To channel water away and provide traction, a tire’s tread is divided into ridges and grooves
Tires can also leave patent, latent, or plastic impressions
Tire evidence usually indicates the type of vehicle that left the mark, may be used to link a suspect or victim to a crime scene, and can reveal the events that took place
Ridges and grooves of discovered tire impressions are counted across the entire width
Unique wear characteristics such as wear or pebbles embedded in the grooves are noted
A print of the suspect’s tire impressions (through 1 revolution) is taken
Comparison with impressions from the crime scene, then, can be made
Identifying tread patterns may not be enough to link a suspect with a crime scene. Other things that can help with this:
Front and rear track widths
Wheel based measurements
Turning diameters
Databases can be checked to find the vehicle with these specifications
Drivers may not recall the exact series of events before, during, and after an accident
People, vehicles, and objects, however can leave evidence of their actions at the scene of an accident
Debris patterns and tire marks, for examples, can be clues to speed, direction, and vehicle identification
There are 3 basic types of tire marks:
Skid marks: can be clues to distance when brakes were applied and the vehicle’s speed
Made when drivers slam their brakes
Yaw marks: Can how a sideways skid
Made when drivers lose control of their car
Tire scrub: Can determine area of impact
Made when the car hits something
Occasionally, perpetrators will leave behind a bitemark
Differences in size of teeth and jaws, position, crowns, caps, fillings, breakage, and crowding make bite marks individual evidence
The investigation consists of identifying, documenting, collecting, and analyzing evidence
Up to 76 points of comparison can be used when comparing a suspect’s dental patterns with bite marks left at a crime scene
We can use both bite marks and the teeth of corpses/skeletons in forensic investigations
Document analysts examine and compare questioned documents with known material
Experts in the field investigate such things as handwriting, computer printouts, commercial printing, paper, and ink
They may study threatening, ransom, or suicide notes
Their work can help identify a document’s author
In the 1930’s, handwriting analysis played a large role in the famous Lindbergh case
In 1999, the United States Court of Appeals determined that handwriting analysis qualified as a form of expert testimony
To be admissible in court, however, scientifically accepted guidelines must be followed
Handwriting analysis has been used by Scotland Yard, the FBI, and the Secret Service
Everyone’s handwriting shows natural variations
Specific Trait | Line Quality | Spacing | Size Consistency | Continuous | Connecting Letters |
Description | The letters flow or are erratic and shaky | The letters are equally spaced or crowded | The ratio of height to width is consistent | The writing is continuous or the writer lifts the pen | Capitals and lowercase letters are connected and continuous or are not connected and continuous |
Specific Trait | Lettering Complete | Cursive and Printed Letters | Pen Pressure | Slant | Line Habits | Fancy Curls or Loops | Placement of Crosses on T’s and dots on i’s |
Description | The letter begins and ends on the space or part of the letter is missing | Letters are cursive, printed, or both | Pressure is equal or not when applied to upward and downward strokes | If there is a slant, is it left, right, or variable | Text is on, below, or above the line | There are or are not fancy curls | These are correct or misplaced |
Two handwritings are the product of one person if their similarities are unique and no explainable differences are found
Examine the questionable document for detectable traits and record them
Obtain some writings of a suspect (called an exemplar) and compare the traits found in the questionable document with it
Draw conclusions about the authorship of the questionable document based on the comparison