AG, ACT Latin AGERE, ACTUM, - “to drive; to do”
COGENT - adj. strong and to the point; convincing
EXIGENT - adj. urgent; pressing
ASSAY - v. to test; to analyze
INTRANSIGENT - adj. refusing to compromise
CIT Latin CIEO, CITUM, - “to stir up; to rouse”
INCITE - v. to stir up; to provoke
RESUSCITATE - v. to bring back to consciousness
SOLICITOUS - adj. showing care or worry
TURB Latin TURBARE, TURBATUM, “to disturb”
PERTURB - v. to make worried or upset
TURBULENT - adj. very excited or upset
TURBID - adj. cloudly; confused
ALACR Latin ALACER, “lively”
ALACRITY - n. an enthusiastic quickness
CELER Latin CELER - “quick”
CELERITY - n. speed or quickness