Alan Brinkley, Chapter 9

  1. Prior - Era of Good Feelings

  2. Jacksonian Democracy

    1. you have to be white, male, and wealth meaning that the full american opinion wouldnt be fully there

  3. Democratization - removal of financial requirements to vote

  4. Two Party system reform - Republicans vs Democrats (Pro Jackson Party)

  5. Whigs - ANTI JACKSON third part in which was popular and was a competitor to the democrats

  6. The Spoils system - Loyalty program, strat. to staff the government with loyalty

  7. Nullification Crisis - South Carolina not adhereing to certain laws in which they believe that are unconstitutional

    1. Calhoun said that they could and it allowed for a major fail

  8. John Calhoun - VP

  9. Van Buren - all Jackson problems were passed on to Buren

  10. Webster Hayne Debate

    1. Robert Hayne

    2. Daniel Webster

      1. Rights of both States and National power

  11. Nullification Crisis

    1. States are starting to not adhere to national laws stating that they are unconstitutional

    2. More tariffs

    3. Force bill - allows jackson to use armed force to enforce tariff

      1. SC nullifies the bill

    4. Clays comprimise -

  12. Indian removal Act - right to displace and remove native americans from their homes

  13. Worcester vs Georgia - Marshall rulls in favor for the cherokee, advocating for cherokee staying there

    1. Executive rejected and ruined the court case

  14. Trail of Tears

    1. Countless lives of Native American lives were lost due to displacement of their own land and were forced westward

    2. Seminole wars - violent attempts and resistence to removal
